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Soldier  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Wolf :D

Posted: | Last Online:

Sooooup, never done this was pretty much dreading this moment! :<

So, yeah with Cheers, Byte/Custard pretty much gonna fold I've decided to search for a new home. ; _ ;
It was amazing playing with you guys, I love you all esp Pakis <3

Basic Background
– Pocket Solider (Can also roam but slightly worse)
– Beast of a spy as bonus ;)
– Pretty loyal/newh teamhopping
– Can play pretty much everyday (less likely on Saturdays though) after 7 GMT
– Don't mind criticism
– related to Tempa T (thunders a jew)
– I love everyone :>

What I'm looking for
– Solid Div 4 team (don't mind a div3 team taking in an inexperience player in :D) that isn't going to fold in a week
– Social Community with a lively atmosphere.
– Server, Mumble etc etc

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:31668354 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Don't Shoot the Spoonicorn [Highlander] Cercia
Left WOLF IS CARRY [Highlander] Wolf :D
Joined Please Shoot the Medic [6v6] Cercia
Joined WOLF IS CARRY [Highlander] v1ruuz
Left Man, I like fridges. [Highlander] Wolf :D
Joined Team Fuck You Antton! [2v2] Nikola
Left Heyn [6v6] Importinis
Joined WOLF IS CARRY [6v6 Fun Team] v1ruuz
Joined Heyn [6v6] Ak1t
Left IDK Reunion [6v6] Wolf :D
Joined Man, I like fridges. [Highlander] Wolf :D
Joined IDK Reunion [6v6] Wolf :D
Left IDK - Cheers Byte [6v6] Wolf :D
Left Man, I like fridges. [Highlander] Wolf :D
Joined Man, I like fridges. [Highlander] Pakis
Joined IDK - Cheers Byte [6v6] Pynklùùùnningen
Left Aftershock Gaming [6v6] Wolf :D
Joined Aftershock Gaming [6v6] Thndr.

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4 5 363
View Div 3/Div 4 30 1017
View Div 3/Div 4 4 1277


  1. Pakis: OST said:

    Cool guy to play with , sad that Cheers folded :\ hope you find a good team. gl :*

  2. v1ruuz said:

    div 4? what is this i dont even
    hihihihiihihihih ego

  3. Tornf4lk: cc// said:

    wolf is an awesome guy, cant comment too much on his soldiering since it was so long ago since we played but nevertheless an amazing guy to play with and always fun to hang around with too :P

  4. Skyride: DUCS said:

    nice guy! can do well in a good team

  5. Chaplain: the ninja - TSPAG said:

    As the person responsible for introducing wolf to the competitive scene, i feel partially responsible for him.

    Hurt my wolf and I hurt you

  6. JvanW: =[IDK]= - =[IDK]= said:

    Damn m8. Shame it didnt worked out. :( I still want your CD’s though. :)

    Anyway, a good asset to your mumble. Can talk a lot about nothing. It really wll make no sense.
    He is also a bit a wannabe black. The reason why?? Is still not clear to me.

    But i know he will be dedicated, and will make mumble alive again. ;)

    GL with your search m8!!!!

  7. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    Pretty nice texture on his nipples. His rough beard can be nice too, if u’re into that stuff.

  8. Nikola said:


  9. Anhur: plēve said:

    these nipples are good. give him a trial! :)

  10. nova: T2P said:


  11. Trent: ‹Con› said:

    bit of a dark horse, has a few black marks about his name, likes the shadows, spends a lot of time in prison, raps… oh and is really funny when he tries to play video games.

    Stereotype much?

    Nah but in all seriousness trial him, Chaplain hasn’t rubbed off on him too much.

  12. cribbe: TC said:

    Awesome guy, good solly, nice to talk to on mumbles

    i think he’s black, no idea


  13. Shifty said:

    Such a nigga !
    Nice guy good solie – top div 4 defo
    Baller at 2 am morning mixes if i remember correctly.

  14. Thunder: GNOME - 8===D said:

    Wolf is a babe.
    Can definately play div4, not ready for div3 but i think he will get there with the right team
    The only bad things are that his jokes are shit and after all these months he still doesnt know that its TEMPA T not Temper :(
    Good luck :)

  15. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    if u’re hungary u should go russian to the kitchen to get a turkey.

  16. DjShrew said:

    Good aim, 0 brain. needs a medic that can call his every move. nice guy, soli i would say is arround div 4, however his rage skills are another level.

    If he hits an airshot dont expect any comms for the next 10 mins, about the actuall game. they will just be about that airshot. ;) but dont worry he does’t hit alot!

    <3 u wolf.

  17. .sav @ TF2GR said:

    best of luck! nice guy to play with :)

  18. raappana: KoP!? said:

    Wolf :D Damn nice guys, whole team, shame about folding though :( anyways if You decided to part your ways, all of you I just would like to wish tons of luck :D

  19. jaydee said:

    A nice guy who needs to work on a bit of everything. Low division 5 if the wind blows in the right direction

  20. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    jd biggest troll in eu.

  21. Luffy said:

    wolf sucks but not really

  22. Tidal: BUNCS said:

    Mixed with these guy months ago, +rep.

  23. Jonesy said:

    Wow, he must be really eager to join a team! I don’t think refreshing the page that quickly will get you into a team any sooner, i mean 15000 views? calm it down wolf.

  24. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    Someone is seriously going around dosing my rec post for no reason hahahaha

  25. v1ruuz said:

    chill the fuck down, wolf

  26. dougiie: CotC said:

    what a guy! boss. gl man :)

  27. Sasuke: ORACLE said:

    If you think Wolf’s name is unoriginal then look again, notice it
    its that “:D” and it makes him special with the power of the “:D” Wolf shall step on div4 no problems.

  28. dr.fix: [DU-R] - #WW said:

    awesome pocket solly, if you need one, get him :)

  29. Pinklùùùnnyngen: CotC said:

    His nipples could do div3. Maybe

  30. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    shameless selfbump

  31. Biohazard: IDK said:

    wolf’s dm is really good for the level he is looking for, sad to see him leave IDK, absolute legend, very protective about his medic. If IDK 1 was looking for a solly we would defo invest in him, Im sure that in no time he would be a great addition.

    Very keen, mixing a lot, you better not leave our mumble when get a new team, who will I talk to at most random times of the week when no one is around? :DD

  32. Geass: IDK - MILF said:

    Wolf is what made me the man i am today!
    Scared and lonely + my gf broke up with me.

    Good soldier though…

    On the serious side, would fit well in a div 4 team! Played with for about 6 months, and his skill/ gamesense has really improve a lot since we started out! If this keeps up, im sure he can handle div 3 in the near future.

    Cheers, Geass.

  33. Geass: IDK - MILF said:

    Btw, there is a rumour that u break teams up while trialing?

  34. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:


  35. Luffy said:

    he has the highest attack damage of all soldier but lacks magic resist and so gets owned by magic wielding scouts.

  36. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    however I have gain a 50% magic-resistance hat from a public raid, so it should not be a problem :D:D

  37. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:


  38. cribbe: TC said:

    worst spy

  39. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    still lookin’

  40. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Can`t really recall how good he played when I mixed last time with him (quite some time ago), but he is a great guy who couldn`t shut up during my trial. It made me chuckle and actually removed any seriousness from the game.

    Gl Wolf ;)

  41. v1ruuz said:


  42. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    stilll llooooooking

  43. DjShrew said:

    22,475 views and 42, soon to be 43 post. Looks like ur in for a long ride son. ;)

  44. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:


  45. jaydee said:

    It’s ok, I wouldn’t recruit Wolf too.

  46. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    bio is gypsy

  47. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:

    still lookin’ bitches.

  48. Pakis: OST said:

    Cool guy to play with , good pocket . gl in next season.

  49. Wolf :D: PStM - DStS said:
