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Demoman  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Denmark Wiper

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, I'm on the lookout for a team once again after having had lots of improvement over the season with the Velox team. I'd like to join an established English-speaking team with good deathmatching abilities that are ready to build up some solid teamwork and improve. I want a team with a friendly atmosphere and no rage.
I can play from 19-22 CET usually every day.
I practise MGE often, speak English fluently and am 18 years old.

Add me on Steam!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:53764412 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Lobby Heroes [6v6 Fun Team] Wiper
Joined Indeed REMNANT [6v6] konr
Left Garbage But Keen [6v6] Wiper
Joined Garbage But Keen [6v6] Jake
Left Wiper [1v1] Wiper
Left Flammen & Citronen [2v2] Wiper
Left Team Freedom [6v6] Wiper
Left Original Gangsters [Highlander] Wiper
Joined Team Freedom [6v6] HoneyBadger
Left nervousENERGY Black [6v6] FluffY ZeuZ
Joined nervousENERGY Black [6v6] Wiper
Left Team Desolus [6v6] Wiper
Joined Team Desolus [6v6] Wiper
Left Velox [6v6] Wiper
Joined Wiper [1v1] Wiper
Joined Flammen & Citronen [2v2] Wiper
Joined Velox [6v6] Wiper
Joined Original Gangsters [Highlander] Wiper
Left itsallgood [Highlander] Wiper
Left Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] blacky_aq
Joined Insane Dutch Killers - Tea Party [6v6] Wiper
Left Team Desolus [6v6] Wiper
Joined Team Desolus [6v6] Wiper
Left The Other Guys [6v6] Wiper
Joined itsallgood [Highlander] Bulow
Joined The Other Guys [6v6] flexu
Left The Other Guys [6v6] flexu
Joined The Other Guys [6v6] Wiper
Left World United Hippies Of The Free [6v6] Wiper
Joined World United Hippies Of The Free [6v6] SgtGala-vine
Left Dancing Toasters of Doom [Highlander] Mavado Vemos
Joined Dancing Toasters of Doom [Highlander] Mavado Vemos
Left Haze eSports [6v6] wnk1ee
Joined Haze eSports [6v6] wnk1ee

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid 0 58
View Mid 6 302
View Div 4 10 328
View Div 4 15 608
View Div 5 0 91


  1. nyx: -nobroder said:

    Strong demo, easily cappable for d3. Gl.

  2. Atkins: Velox. - TSPAG said:

    Very stable demoman, defiantly div3 maybe more. Also nice guy

  3. T0m.: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    Sick demoman + awesome guy. Easily div 3, even div 2 with the right team. gl man

  4. Infection said:

    sick demo, pick him asap.

  5. Zylaen: FaZe said:

    Gl :)

  6. Theoneseeker: #brahs said:

    recruit this guy pls hes good

  7. Regen: nf. - 9F said:

    Could handle d2 man. Keen and a very polite person :>

  8. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    good demo would recommend

  9. Evowarrior5: UbeR | said:

    Good guy, beast Demo. Definitely something to consider picking up fast

  10. MC: UbeR | said:

    Great guy and insane Demo! Pick him up! :D

  11. zen1th: Pander - LEGO said:

    Is Danish, can aim.

    No but seriously, one of the best gamers I know.

  12. svins: alus - P.O.P said:

    You dont say that you practice MGE when you post for div3. You do that when applying for div5.

    Anyway, a cool dude with some experience. I dont know about sticky spam but I know that pipe aim is also for div5.

  13. Alec: gri² said:

    Im still confused why he is searching for div 3.. when he is clearly better than that.

  14. Kokojambo: IDM. said:

    lolwat, svins?

  15. Admirael said:

    Great attitude.. Feels comfortable playing with Wiper, really nice guy :)

  16. Ishie: Aero said:


  17. Russian Guyovich: (Surging Meat Cable) - [T-A!]LoS said:

    Wiper’s the kind of lad you’d want to take to meet your mother. He would probably bring dessert too. What a guy.

    Oh, and he’s a good demo.

  18. Tuto: 8-) said:

    +1 :)

  19. Wiper: idd. said:

    Awww :D Still looking

  20. cats: F! said:

    This guy :D

  21. Hovis said:

    Nice guy, keen and mature, will make a great addition to a d3 team. Highly recommend picking him up!

  22. Ti-Ta-Thoomsn: free - PF said:

    awesome guy with very good dm! gl dude