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Medic  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, Highlander

Belgium wic'

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi there,

With Sigma folding, it's time to find a new team again. (Still, gonna miss the Mizzi Mizzi though). Would like to main medic, not rly up for sub spots.

Don't rly care about the div, as long as you offer a fun team to play with, I'm in ;)
Just add me on Steam.

** NOTE** I never played medic before! Anyone got some tips?

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:3749173 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Plush [Highlander] wic'
Joined Plush [Highlander] gilga
Left Mouse 2 Uber [Highlander] ETF2L Staff
Left Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] ETF2L Staff
Joined Mouse 2 Uber [Highlander] clean carp
Left Keep It Kosher! [Highlander] MoreBuckets!
Joined Keep It Kosher! [Highlander] MoreBuckets!
Left Ladies and Gentlemen [Highlander] wic'
Joined Ladies and Gentlemen [Highlander] CP66
Left ABANDON SHIP [Highlander] wic'
Joined ABANDON SHIP [Highlander] adam
Left Lunatix HL [Highlander] wic'
Joined Lunatix HL [Highlander] frost
Left Belgium [National Highlander Team] Aoshi
Left inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Joined inVision [Highlander] STiNGHAN
Left Seagulls [6v6] Clark
Left Boys from the North [Highlander] wic'
Left Soup-A-Duo [2v2] ☕ ED-E
Joined Boys from the North [Highlander] DyaWyb
Left Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] Bramelvix
Joined Seagulls [6v6] Zoub
Joined Soup-A-Duo [2v2] ☕ ED-E
Left Soup-A-Sixes [6v6] wic'
Joined Soup-A-Sixes [6v6] ☕ ED-E
Joined Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] Freakie
Left Legende [6v6] frixx
Joined Soup-A-Stars [Highlander] Bramelvix
Left Platinum Bullshit [Highlander] wic'
Joined Legende [6v6] frixx
Joined Platinum Bullshit [Highlander] Gent
Left Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] wic'
Left Transösophageale_Echokardiographie [6v6] wic'
Joined Belgium [National Highlander Team] wic'
Joined Transösophageale_Echokardiographie [6v6] wic'
Joined Sigma [6v6 Fun Team] wic'
Left Anti Tab [Highlander] wic'
Joined Anti Tab [Highlander] wic'
Left League of Extraordinary mentlegen) [Highlander] wic'
Joined League of Extraordinary mentlegen) [Highlander] wic'
Left Derps Together [6v6] wic'
Left Derpalicious Mentalmen [Highlander] Remote_
Joined Derps Together [6v6] wic'
Joined Derpalicious Mentalmen [Highlander] wic'

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View High/Mid 5 441


  1. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:

    Good medic and nice hats. Div 3 definitely but I haven’t seen too much of your recent play to comment on div 2, but it’s medic so probably.

    Tip for medic: When you see the pyro running at you, just don’t move and try to delay the inevitable.

  2. Bob Bami said:

    he looks good cuz of his fancy hats. so he’s div 2/3.
    This guy only is div 2/3 cuz your team will look better with a medic with 300.000 hats.

    Played with him in my first team.
    Nice guy eventhough dutch ppl and belgium ppl dont like eachother.


  3. BurningSandwich: TöE said:

    *Mizi Mizi*
    Good medic with some fancy hats, doesnt rage, perfect person to have some fun with (mizi), always looking for occasions to improve
    *Mizi Mizi*

  4. save_as_.dmx said:

    I have been requested me to make a nice comment about Wic’.

    Is belgian. Has never played medic before.

  5. Marty: lala said:

    Really great Medic! Can do Div2 and is a really nice guy :) Never rages (trust me i played with him in Steel when i used to Roam as Heavy and leaving him non-protected, this dude can’t rage)

  6. Fourty: DNuts said:

    Cool, calm, experienced medic. Cool, calm and all-round nice guy too. It’s a win win for any div 2 side.

  7. Useless: TC.Noobas said:

    If you are playing in division 2/3 you should already know a little about Wic’.
    Know his class very well and what he should be doing. Not much to add really, if you need a medic trial him. You won’t lose anything doing so.

  8. Tuto: 8-) said:

    Really calm guy, and keeps his head high and motivates the team, even when it’s going down hill. He deserves a nice div 2/3 team, good luck mate

  9. Fuxx said:

    Kritz me baby one more time

  10. Pete_: PrettyGay said:

    All in all it was fun having the pleasure to play with wic. We had good and bad phases but either way he always tried to be positive.
    I myself, as his bodyguard (pyro), first found his movement really really weird, although it was something to get used to really really easily. He is a good spychecker himself, in case you want to send your pyro roaming. I had lots of fun with this guy, and he is the biggest Zipfiklatscher known to humanity. Skill around div 2-3.
    Wish you the best luck man.

    Mizi mizi

  11. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - 0FO said:

    Good medic and gives effort to get better.

  12. wic' said:

    Thx to everyone for the nice comments :)

  13. wic' said:

    Please, when I said “Don’t rly care about the div”, doesn’t mean I will play at div 5. Quit adding me if you aren’t going for div 3 atleast. Thanks.

  14. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:

    Drops kritz on pubs. -rep

  15. this is evil evil said:

    Trialled this dude, and even though we got rolled, he was really calm, and gave us nice feedback, and was willing to play another match with us.

    Gameplay: Extremely good comms, good positioning, can definitely do div3.

    This dude deserves a good and stable team. :)

  16. wic' said:

    Le bump

  17. >MF<: NICE - Fe | said:

    Has never played medic before, what are you talking about?