ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Engineer  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

International Whitebeard Cock

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking to get some playtime in, I don't think that the ping will be terrible

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:362338916 Add Friend

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Joined ndog presents [6v6] spiny

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  1. Lebron James said:

    Adena think he slick

  2. Whitebeard Cock: ndog said:

    who the hell is Adena

  3. Nettspend: SH - HV said:


  4. Depruu said:

    I played with this guy and I can confirm that he’s not adena, but maybe he should play open

  5. Nettspend: SH - HV said:

    easly mid engi with this username

  6. William said:


    Where r you from?
    Because we are looking for players within EU

  7. Whitebeard Cock: ndog said:

    lmao i completely forgot that i even made this but should prob remove it, im from NA