ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Engineer  Open Skill, Highlander

Pakistan We are the rats

Posted by chachiply: | Last Online:

I need engi sub and main

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  1. ProgrammEngineer said:

    Take me , I am good engi

  2. 30.06: RATS said:

    good team name, keep it up

  3. elmojake said:

    Hello I’m new to comp, but I’m eager to learn, I main pyro and my discord tag is Laughability#1207

  4. heavy kermit guy said:

    looking for heavy spot, new to comp but eager to learn. Heavy Weapons Guy

  5. rarityF: HYDRO said:

    im interested in soldier or pyro spot i have quite alot of comp experience in ugc and some etf2l and over 100 game in tf2 centre

  6. ukanio said:

    i can play as a spy sub i have comp experience and know all the comp maps and callouts heres my discord if u interested Ukanio#1995

  7. mendacity said:

    ugc silver sniper. BuNNyTeeTH#4175

  8. k3n0 said:

    Sniper here. Contact me please.

  9. H3AVYM3TAL said:

    can play all classes except demo and scout really well