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MedicScoutSpy  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Germany VladTC

Posted: | Last Online:

Steam Name: VladTC
Real Name: Vlad

I consider myself a decent medic and i'm looking into other classes as well, but i think i'm planning on maining Medic mostly. Looking for a Div6/5 with a decent skill, not asking for a 1337 omg-mlg team.

I'm also starting off good as a Scout, i flank, dodge, shoot etc like any scout should. (for 6v6 only)

And i am a good spy as well. Not much else to say

I have a total of 770 hours in TF2 at the moment. My time zone is GMT+1, Location Germany. I am 18 Years old, will turn 19 soon enough. Prefer a mature team with good teamwork and no BS, PLEASE. I had enough of baby 13-14 year old guys.
I also own a multiplay server, mainly for lobbies, but i don't think i'll be able to pay for it much more longer. Unless we would bring clanpay into play.
Hit me up on steam: Steamcommunity.com/id/vladtc Or here. Thanks :3

TL;DR : Scout / Medic for 6v6, Medic / Spy for 9v9

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:66592332 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined The Cave Cats [Highlander] VladTC
Left DEWOW eSports » Synergy [6v6] MisterPixels
Joined DEWOW eSports » Synergy [6v6] VladTC
Left 663 Squadron [6v6] Switch
Joined 663 Squadron [6v6] VladTC
Left The Owl Exterminators [Highlander] VladTC
Joined The Owl Exterminators [Highlander] VladTC

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  1. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    ein vladi in der deutschen community LoloLolioool is echt genug

  2. VladTC: TCC said:

    loloLOLOloLOLOLOLOL get out, no one needed that post.

  3. Minus said:

    what about joning a team called Teknika?