ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSoldierSpy  Open/Mid Skill, Highlander

European Virtual Hi5

Posted by String: | Last Online:

We are looking for SUBS. We need subs for all classes except sniper. No prior comp experience is needed. just add string to talk! :3
TY have a good day

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  1. Zeeotter100: -CIS- said:

    soldier/demo/engie/medic if you want

  2. Nishtjak: 深山鴉 said:

    Soldier mid/high, scout,pyro,heavy, engi, medic – open, if you need can play Subs.
    English is not very good, but I’ll try :D

  3. CoCoBaer: pizza said:

    Spy, Pyro, Medic im new to ETF2L but i have lobbys in tf2center and over 3500h
    My English is good

  4. Hellfeet said:

    hi i want to join in a team i played spy too much and i know what i must to create for our wins
    you can add me in steam and write your advices
    MY STEAM PROFILE http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198086986319/

  5. Unknown_Penguin said:

    Hello, I’m Wilson, but more know as Unknown_Penguin. I got 850 hours of tf2 on this acc. and over 1000+ on another one.

    I would like to join as Pyro sub / main

    Got comp experience and have played a couple of tf2 center matches aswell

    Got mumble, skype and time to play aswell! :)

    Contact me if you’re intrested: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198096299803/

  6. BrainPhotocopier said:

    Hello guys I’m BrainPhotocopier. I main spy,I’ve got 180 hours in this class and i haven’t got any comp experience. i would like to join spy main or sub. I would like to improve my skills and I have an experienced spy that mentors me.

  7. green: (>NUTTER said:

    i’d like to sub for heavy or soldier

  8. [ ] said:

    Hey guys, I have about 2500 hrs into this game, but I never played anything else than pubs. I kinda main pyro, and I just really want to join anyone to try an experience something different than what I usually do on TF2 (By the way, I mostly play ctf so even though I top score most of the time on ctf, I might suck at other game modes). Also, I do speak English decently well, but it’s not my birth language.

    Contact : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065161540/

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