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SoldierSpy  Mid Skill, Highlander

Poland versus.

Posted: | Last Online:

LFT Mid.
Looking for a chill experience.
Mostly a sub cuz of lack of time.
Over 950 hours on spy.
Hit me up gamers!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:133392970 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Concept [Highlander] Mr.Baguette
Joined Concept [Highlander] Mr.Baguette
Left Multipla Fans Legacy [Highlander] versus.
Joined Multipla Fans Legacy [Highlander] zia
Left Multipla Fans Legacy [Highlander] zia
Left Shotgun - Best gun [6v6] versus.
Joined Multipla Fans Legacy [Highlander] StelaZ_
Left Team SniperScout [Highlander] distraction
Joined Shotgun - Best gun [6v6] Fr4g
Left The Poles +3 [6v6] versus.
Joined Team SniperScout [Highlander] Sodium
Left Team SniperScout [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Joined The Poles +3 [6v6] Kravech_xd
Joined Team SniperScout [Highlander] StellarHoxy
Left Gucci gang [Highlander] versus.
Joined Gucci gang [Highlander] Kravech_xd
Left Men In Flannel [Highlander] versus.
Joined Men In Flannel [Highlander] Biba
Left Jebani Kosmici [Highlander] versus.
Joined Jebani Kosmici [Highlander] versus.
Left Nomad [Highlander] versus.
Joined Nomad [Highlander] Kravech_xd
Left Jelly Banditos [Highlander] versus.
Joined Jelly Banditos [Highlander] versus.
Left Table Union [Highlander] versus.
Joined Table Union [Highlander] MR.Awesome
Left Enigmatic Owl's [Highlander] Kacperek2
Joined Enigmatic Owl's [Highlander] Kacperek2

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid 4 249
View Mid/Open 0 246
View Mid/Open 1 295


  1. Kroove said:

    Pick him, he’s an epic gamer !

  2. Antronimus said:


  3. StelaZ_ said:

    top prem for sure

  4. Ablativus: CHONK said:

    Deserves a good team

  5. M_J_C said:

    best spaj pl podpisuje keen gracz

  6. RIP { * }: █▀█ █▄█▀█▀ said:

    ujdzie w tloku

  7. tvporeba: MF said:

    bier do teamu póki ciepły

  8. ahmed1mustafa: *MUMBLE said:

    cos tam mowi ze tf to nie gra competitive i tera szuka teamu beka z typa w ogole

  9. ahmed1mustafa: *MUMBLE said:

    nie no, will do good in mid

  10. KM: PolandA - MF said:

    Mid? nice joke.
    change to d1 right now!

  11. crazy: KARAS said:

    cos tam mowi ze tf to nie gra competitive i tera szuka teamu beka z typa w ogole

  12. Xara: 0fo said:

    + rep

  13. Banan said:

    nice spaj

  14. LUMI said:

    cos tam mowi ze tf to nie gra competitive i tera szuka teamu beka z typa w ogole

  15. tommyie said:

    cos tam mowi ze tf to nie gra competitive i tera szuka teamu beka z typa w ogole

  16. RIP { * }: █▀█ █▄█▀█▀ said:

    wzialbym Cie, ale Cie oszczalismy i osralismy :(

  17. wonszu said:

    cos tam mowi ze tf to nie gra competitive i tera szuka teamu beka z typa w ogole

  18. versus. said:


  19. swir: Pawel - *MUMBLE said:

    very good spy

  20. Flarnik: HT said:

    Hej słuchaj, masz moje zaproszenie do mojego team-u, ale musisz poczekać asz inni fo mojego team- dojdą. Jak chcesz to dołącz a jak nie to nie. Mój team to Hot team.

  21. versus. said:

    Hej, szukam teamu mid a nie open, czyli nara

  22. crazy: KARAS said:

    no elo

  23. sigi said:

    cos tam mowi ze tf to nie gra competitive i tera szuka teamu beka z typa w ogole

  24. LUMI said:

    Don’t pick him he is ass and a cringe machine

  25. supra: (Webmaster) - BIRD - BIRD said:

    patrząc po Twoich rozegranych meczach na ETF2L nie oczekiwałbym mida i zaczałbym od tego open, raczej teamy z ekipą, która gra sporo tf2center (bo to jest mniej więcej ten poziom), bo takie mają szanse na playoffy i POTEM może mid