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DemomanMedicSoldier  Open Skill, 6v6

European VazTecs

Posted by D-Kay: | Last Online:

Hey Welcome to our team just ask and we will put you to the test

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  1. Harreboi said:

    interested in playing pocket next season, have played 4 seasons in open before.

  2. Triga said:

    intrested in roamer i have no seasons but do believe I can play high open

  3. Atekz said:

    Interested in medic, I have no season but I do think I have what it take and would appreciate it if you gave me a chance

  4. Pizzaria said:

    i spend a lot of time with soldier (roaming) and scout mind if you put me to the test?

  5. Snow: ranch - HZ said:

    intrested in roaming soldier, I didnt played in a competetive team yet but i do know alot about competetive and id like to join it

  6. Abso'Z said:

    hi, interested by the test i’m pocket

  7. cobravert: VHSS said:

    hi im intrested in demo :)

  8. Raming Maming said:

    Interested in medic :)

  9. Applecat said:

    intrested in roamer 1100+ hours at tf2

  10. Chochy: Sigma said:

    I am an Roamer havent played pocket i im new to et2fl i can play as an sub or what i can,

  11. Bro Safari said:

    Hello! I’m newbie from Ukraine! I’m good at playing soldier, demo and scout

  12. Jaqz said:

    Hello, I can play Medic and Soldier And demo Pocket Preferred as Soldier But i can play just about Anything

  13. IntellMedicPig: F4T said:

    Hello , my name is Sam and im from sweden and im trying to make it into a competative league as medic.

    I have 1500+ hrs on tf2
    I have played lots of lobbies and lots of competative matchmaking games i also used to play other games competativly so i have a lot of experience in team games.
    I however dont have a mic that is working but i will get one pretty shortly.

    If you’re intressted add me.


  14. madhead200: (TR) said:

    Hi, im looking to join your team as medic I have 1789 hours in the game and I’ve played 250+ tf2 centre lobbies. I’m from England therefore I speak perfect English. One problem is that occasionally my ping will go crazy high but most of the time its at a steady 70ms. I love theorycrafting so i may help come up with some weird new strats that could throw the enemy off, but it most likely won’t work:P. Oh and I’m a millennial … like everyone else seems to be xD

    Add me here if your interested: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198119498666/

  15. Malsoine said:

    Hi ! I’m Pawnee. I would like to try to get on your team ! i’m french. I train alot mge/dm I will play has roamer. If you wan’t more information contact me with steam !