ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Mid- Skill, 6v6

Sweden Reefer decree

Posted by sMisk: | Last Online:

Hello happy campers! :=)

We are in the search for a new medic to complete our team to season 5. You are a seasoned medic with experience in medicing. Can collaborate with diffrent players with different personalitys. And you are swedish writing this in english cause it looks all strange with swedish letters :). We are a stable clan who got a tight core group of players that we want you to be part of! More info? Add sMisk.

Gl Hf

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  1. bagaren said:

    redigt bra lag, det flesta spelarna är väldigt trevliga också ;), saknar dock en stabil bra medic. Med det är dem div 4:)
    GLHF i sökandet grabbar!

  2. Hofven said:

    säsong 5 ? what

  3. sMisk: :id: said:

    idd lirade som gti då och lite annan lineup :)

  4. Defur said:

    jag tror han menade att du skrev “to complete our team to season 5” vilket skulle indikera att ni vill ha en line-up klar tills säsong 5

    alltså något år sen :p

    gl hf i eran sökning hela fall – victor.. söker klan IIRC