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ScoutSniperSoldier  Mid Skill, 6v6

France Rabbits

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi guys , my friend and me looking for an europeen team , he had played with JaM team , so we search a team who have a real mid skill , we are nice and cool … We are very serious in war and we are very motivate , So , I play scout/sniper and my mate Soldier . Add us on steam : http://steamcommunity.com/id/Dapoutre/
me : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197986212601

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:25946873 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left DAROUTOUTOU [Highlander] Tek
Left Internet download manager [2v2] Tek
Left IniziaL Gaming [6v6] Askior
Joined IniziaL Gaming [6v6] Askior
Joined DAROUTOUTOU [Highlander] Rabbits
Joined Internet download manager [2v2] Tek
Left NoraJ [Highlander] Captp
Left Fonce t'as L'uber pov' Bite! [6v6] isotop
Joined Fonce t'as L'uber pov' Bite! [6v6] isotop
Joined NoraJ [Highlander] Rabbits
Left FullMetal [6v6] Rabbits
Joined FullMetal [6v6] Rabbits

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  1. TekoLoL: ft. said:

    GL bro <3

  2. T-Mac: DA! said:

    great aim for utopy and great brain for s0ap :D

  3. Seyren said:

    Cheaters banned from the French league.

  4. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    Kids, 13 years old both.
    Most hated guys in the french community.
    Banned from french pick-ups and league for hacking.


  5. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    I forgot to say they like to flame.
    They are banned from most french public servers as well.

    Basically, they’re just cocks.

  6. utopy said:

    I don’t know why this fucking pussy said that about us , a lot of good players had cheat , but now me and my mate are dicide to play seriousely , there are no évidence about us , about our cheat , there are no record , nothing . If somoene want to trial us , i can prouve that we doesn’t cheat and you will see it . And we are not a ”kids ” , now drosophile , shut the fuck up and go back in your fucking bad french ligue .

    Sorry for my bad english .

    Droso NTM p’tit togolais de mes deux boules :) Passe mumble qu’on te brule comme toute ta race avant toi

  7. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:


    It’s Bubble.
    He’s like the french Harry Gomm. Don’t pick him!

  8. utopy said:

    mdr , t’es pitoyable

    3 years ago :)

    Nice bot

  9. s0ap said:

    who is it ?

  10. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:


    There are many more videos like that…

  11. s0ap said:

    Who is it now ?

  12. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    It’s Bubble, the guy seeking a “MID” (rofl) team.


  13. s0ap said:

    C’est moi tocard et jte dis :

    Who is it ?

  14. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    All his videos: http://www.jeuxvideo.fr/forum/profil/bryandu53100-351068/videos.html

    If you understand french, you’re gonna laugh hard.
    He’s worse than Harry Gomm.

  15. s0ap said:

    Mec tu te rends compte que tu sers a rien a envoyer tes vidéos honteuses la ?

  16. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    Tes vidéos honteuses.
    Assume ta connerie, mec! :)

  17. s0ap said:

    J’ai rien a assumé , personne sait qui est le mec.

  18. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    Hum, c’est toi?
    Juste avec un pseudo différent mais tout le monde le sait. :>

  19. s0ap said:

    Tous les gros bot fr ouais. C’est pour ça qu’on seek un team euro HEIN

  20. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    Et c’est pour ça que je les averti contre ta connerie/médiocrité.

  21. s0ap said:

    T’averti rien du tout , tu taunt sur un truc honteux qui date de 20 ans , t’es honteux mec.

  22. DroSoPhiLe: o/ said:

    I’ll PM Anak1n so that he gives all demos/logs to the ETF2L AC crew so that you get banned from ETF2L aswell. :)))))

  23. TekoLoL: ft. said:

    Sans demo tu fais quoi?

  24. s0ap said:

    Demo ? you haven’t got any demo.

  25. Keyro: Cheater said:

    Maybe because some plugins are 100% accurate on those type of cheats.

    BTW if etf2l want i guess they just have to ask Anakin.

  26. Stm ! said:

    just for that bad language here ” Droso NTM p’tit togolais de mes deux boules :) Passe mumble qu’on te brule comme toute ta race avant toi “, i’m asking to a admin to warn you at least


  27. jukebox: broder said:

    pubbed with s0ap last night – his balls havent dropped yet

  28. Anathema said:

    Recruitment posts, I love them.

  29. Defur said:

    french harry goom!

  30. Mr Lettre said:

    team of babyboys, band of cheaters … don’t pick them :)