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SoldierSpy  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Denmark Uran

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, im Uran :3

I'm a 17 year old danish kid with a relatively large donger, and im looking for a team to play some Tower Defense 2 on.

Some useful info about me:
– Great speaker of Englando Language
– Ive been leading a div 6 team in season 7
– After new year i should be able to play all days of the week
– Spy level of play is div 4/5
– Soldier level of play is 5/6
– Im helpful, and i have a good amount of contacts for scrims and mercs
– Im friendly, and i am a supporter of fair play / good sportsmanship

I want to find a team with some great cordination in terms of scrims and strats, and some awesome people in the roster.

Add me if interested ;)

Hopefully, some nice people will write some nice stuff about me below this post :3

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:94849071 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Love is the Movement [6v6] Alva
Joined Love is the Movement [6v6] Alva
Left Assembly of Gentlemen [6v6] Uran
Joined Assembly of Gentlemen [6v6] 1C4NTK1LLSH1T
Left TF2IsDead [6v6] Uran
Joined TF2IsDead [6v6] LewisVAC
Left Call of Duty [1v1] Uran
Left Confused Mexicans [Highlander] Uran
Left PATIENTA TENTO [6v6] akachu
Joined Call of Duty [1v1] Uran
Joined PATIENTA TENTO [6v6] akachu
Joined Confused Mexicans [Highlander] Uran
Left Heartless [Highlander] Uran
Joined Heartless [Highlander] Moro

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 5/Div 6 2 146


  1. Gasoline Based: ¿que? said:

    Decent spy, played with him for a single season. Good organization skills and he can hold a deadline. I’d estimate him to be somewhere in the lower half of div 4. He will probably make a decent medic seeing how his gamesense is right on the spot. I can definitely recommend this guy.

  2. | Hii | said:


  3. Muze said:

    Awesome spy, and available all the time!! Good Luck man ;)

  4. Doge said:

    Am heur. Am doge.
    Doge is the best of the best.
    Rated 8/8 gr8 m8 -IGN.
    Am teh best spy evr

  5. Doge said:

    Contach doge on steam ;3

  6. crazycalumrock: ITIFY - JaR said:

    Danish people on average have the largest penises.

  7. Turboapina: (ETF2L Donator) - sirkkels - BauS said:

    Definitely d4 spy

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