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MedicScout  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, 6v6

European unoriginal eSports by TF2Pickup.net

Posted by MARS^: | Last Online:


after winning our group in div 3 we need a new medic and a new scout, condom can't commit that much time anymore and ubrs kind of just "ran out of tryhard juice".

we are gonna play the playoffs with our current roster but we will be trialling people whenever we're missing a scout/medic.

since we have a bunch of time before the next season starts, we're gonna be rather picky about who we take.

we need a medic that can maincall and order timus around, if you can't maincall, don't even bother adding me. you obviously also need the medic skills.

replacing ubrs might be a bit more difficult, he's a really aggressive scout that often does a huge amount of damage and we're used to him carrying our ass. only add me if you got sufficient DM and gamesense to play a similar scout style. I don't think there are any scouts on div 2 level that meet these requirements so we'd prefer if you are already higher than that. again, we're used to having a carry scout. we don't need a scout that plays a normal scout style.

we have a server, we have a mumble, we are sponsored by TF2Pickup and if we win we get keys. be keen, we really want them keys.

that's about it I guess.
add me for gaming


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  1. cmd: (ETF2L Donator) - LEGO said:

    keen gamers
    wud bang

  2. Kuferl: (TF2Pickup.net Unicorn) - FLANK said:

    we have a server, we have a mumble, we are sponsored by TF2Pickup and if we win we get keys. be keen, we really want them keys.

  3. MARS^: (ETF2L Donator) - ANIMA - op_sqd said:

    where are my keys???

  4. Raptor: BTWFC - S-O said:

    Yes kuferl,our keys

  5. Yuval: MPREG - DBLE said:

    Added you I can maincall hard if needed XD

  6. Broda: SSKP said:

    me medic please

  7. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    kann nicht maincallen :((

    raptor macht eh backuo in div 5….