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Sniper  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

International Uncle John

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Well I'm Uncle John/Johannoxor and I decided to try out some Highlander since I don't like official servers because of all these Players going SPy or SNiper without even having the aim to land ONE important headshot…so yeah recruit me if you want, I'm 15 years old I speak English and German (actually I live in Germany) and I'm a decent Medic, Scout, Demo and a let's say "skillful" Sniper or Pyro( I don't want to say very good or awesome or smth like that because I never played Highlander before and don't know how good you have to be there to prove you're skilled). :D

So if you want to play with me or recruit me for your Team ( That would be awesome of course ;) ) just contact me on Steam or on this forum(even though I dodn't really figured out how to "use" this page). And hopefully we can see us in game very soon.


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