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Medic  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Poland Truskawa

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi there!
After leading a team for two seasons I decided that I need another team.
I am a teamless medic, I can easily play div 4, I think I can also handle div 3. Well, that's as long as I have a protective pocket/team.
I have about three seasons of experience, I also mixed on various levels.
But well…I kinda need to get used to people to start playing properly/maincall. (I'd prefer not to to be honest, specially on div 3 lvl.)

Maybe more about me:
I'm almost 20 yo, as calm as possible and, specially now, I can play almost every day. I'm also willing to improve as much as I can. The only thing I can't stand is pointless rage. I speak polish, english and I can understand german. Every english-speaking team will be fine for me.

Add me, we'll talk, maybe you'll want to trial me. :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:95123153 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined No More Heroes [6v6] Truskawa
Left One Hit Wonders [6v6] Truskawa
Left Max-Play Highlander Team #2 [Highlander] Truskawa
Joined One Hit Wonders [6v6] Truskawa
Left EASY TARGET [6v6] Truskawa
Joined Kielßasa eSports [LAN Team] Truskawa
Joined eighty-eight [6v6 Fun Team] Truskawa
Joined EASY TARGET [6v6] Truskawa
Joined Max-Play Highlander Team #2 [Highlander] Truskawa
Left Perception [6v6] Truskawa
Joined Perception [6v6] Truskawa

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3/Div 4 2 186
View Div 3/Div 4 5 475
View Div 4 14 769
View Div 6 5 458
View Div 6 5 253


  1. Leif said:

    I remember playing with her in some mixes sometimes in the past.
    Back in time she was playing in one fo those div 4 teams but probably she was a low div 4 med; but the fact of her being so eager to improve and a good person to play with, will probalby have got now to be good enough for the div she now claims.

    Good luck for your search, should do fine for a top div 4 team!

  2. Jigglypuff: fest - #wubafan said:

    My blueberry<3

    Strawberry can easily play div3 with the right team, she still needs a little bit of guidance and experience to be able to do consistently well at that level but as a pocket soldier or demo you will love playing with her as she sticks to you like glue.

    If you're a HIGH div4 team looking to progress or a div3 team looking to improve Truskawa will be a perfect pickup for you, the only problem she has is her lack of experience and confidence, though with the right team neither of those should be an issue.

    She is one of the sweetest people i've met playing this game and is willing to gove anyone a chance, you will not be dissapointed with her skill or personality.

    <3 blueberry gl with your search.

  3. Mikki said:

    My blueberry<3

    Strawberry can easily play div3 with the right team, she still needs a little bit of guidance and experience to be able to do consistently well at that level but as a pocket soldier or demo you will love playing with her as she sticks to you like glue.

    If you're a HIGH div4 team looking to progress or a div3 team looking to improve Truskawa will be a perfect pickup for you, the only problem she has is her lack of experience and confidence, though with the right team neither of those should be an issue.

    She is one of the sweetest people i've met playing this game and is willing to gove anyone a chance, you will not be dissapointed with her skill or personality.

    <3 blueberry gl with your search.