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Scout  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Sweden trams

Posted: | Last Online:

After 12 seasons as medic I am now sick and tired of it.
Searching spot as scout, nothing else.
Swedish clan preferably, not used to call in english but I can learn to do it.
Tried scout in div5 pcw:s and I am not completely useless.
Old as fuck.
Good gamesense.
Can help your clan develop rather quickly if you listen ;)
Can play 3-6 days a week but ONLY after 21.00 cet/cest.

Contact me on steam.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:74094902 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined K0ntraband [6v6] trams
Left Saints [6v6] trams
Left Elbonia National Team [Highlander] trams
Joined Saints [6v6] trams
Left Five ants are more than four elephants! [6v6] trams
Joined Elbonia National Team [Highlander] trams
Left Lokalen Alpha [Highlander] trams
Joined Five ants are more than four elephants! [6v6] trams
Left To Be Announced [6v6] trams
Joined Lokalen Alpha [Highlander] trams
Left s! [Highlander] trams
Joined To Be Announced [6v6] trams
Left TEAM SdX'08 [6v6] trams
Joined TEAM SdX'08 [6v6] trams
Left Schadenfreude! [6v6] trams
Joined s! [Highlander] trams
Joined Schadenfreude! [6v6] trams
Left Schadenfreude! [6v6] trams
Joined Schadenfreude! [6v6] trams

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  1. 2nuts: . said:

    Världen går under, trams har tröttnat på medic… VAFAN GJORDE DEM MOT DIG TRAMS?!?

  2. Ace said:


  3. Herr_Pyromatic: .:[aAa]:. said:

    The bäst.


  4. Speedfreak said:

    Nice guy, only played with him a few times though, but seems like a relaxed and cool guy.
    Bump for nice guys ))))

  5. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    lan beast