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Demoman  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Tobyy

Posted: | Last Online:

Changed to seeking a backup spot now, bit too busy to commit to full time play.
Give me some notice early in the evening and I should be able to make it.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:31576846 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] Coleman
Left AUTOBOTS [6v6] Tobyy
Joined AUTOBOTS [6v6] WOODY[
Left The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] Tobyy
Joined The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] Tobyy
Left Royal [6v6] Tobyy
Joined Royal [6v6] Tobyy
Left Cream of the Crop [6v6] dougiie
Joined Cream of the Crop [6v6] dougiie
Left St George [6v6] Tobyy
Joined St George [6v6] Sketch
Left KOALAPUNCH [6v6] Tobyy
Joined KOALAPUNCH [6v6] ilike2spin
Left Badmins of Pixel Pickup [6v6] Tobyy
Joined Badmins of Pixel Pickup [6v6] Tobyy
Left Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Tobyy
Joined Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Tobyy
Left Please Shoot the Medic [6v6] Tobyy
Joined Please Shoot the Medic [6v6] Tobyy
Left Oceanic Six [6v6] Tobyy
Joined Oceanic Six [6v6] Linus
Left Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Tobyy
Joined Pixie Lott is SLAMMING! [Highlander] Tobyy
Left Team FaYL [Highlander] Tobyy
Joined Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Tobyy
Joined Beer and Rockets [LAN Team] dougiie
Left In the kitchen? [6v6] Ghent
Joined Old Spice [1v1] Tobyy
Joined Team FaYL [Highlander] Tobyy
Joined In the kitchen? [6v6] Atkins
Left The International Warriors [6v6] Tobyy
Joined The International Warriors [6v6] Tobyy
Left Soviet Boxing Club [6v6] Tobyy
Joined Soviet Boxing Club [6v6] Tobyy

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  1. Hosain H: Royal` said:


  2. ilike2spin: RLM said:

    Seems to think he’s worse than he is sometimes. Well known for getting frustrated at himself for having a bad game even if when he doesn’t deserve it.

    Really strong dm and good positioning, can definitely manage div 2 or above and I’d love to see him continue with the game.

    Also ruins shirts.

  3. fainT(a) said:

    rages at me if i play spy…that’s about it

    is a better plumber than mario

  4. konr said:

    A good demoman that really raises the morale of any team he plays with. Every time someone does something good he points it and and compliments them and that (at least for me) really does help! He also has solid DM and is generally a pretty decent demo. I’d say he could handle div 2 given that he gets into a good schedule of playing again after not playing actively for so long.

    Gl mate.

  5. dougiie: CotC said:

    left his Led Zeppelin Vinyl @ my house, what a NOOB

  6. CUBE: elem.v - SNSD-jjang ♥ said:

    Since playing with him at i43:
    Div 2 Demo.
    Div 4 Sauna user.

    Decide which is most important if you wish to recruit him.

  7. Memento Mori said:

    He’s a nice guy.

  8. Genmix: bobs said:


    awesome dude, div2

  9. Snyyppis: RLM said:

    Always loved playing with you man <3

    Really consistent demo, and the last games we've played I've seen him really shine, getting some ridiculously crazy sprees and shots, hope you find a good team!

    Also a lovely guy irl, makes the most out of lans (/hotels)! :D

  10. tack: kp/ said:

    Very strong DM, need to get a little more improvement in gamesens and D2 will be perfect for the guy, plus he’s such a lovely guy so just pick him :3

  11. Foster: -9m- - Pixie <3 said:

    Does better when he has good support than when on own, but regardless, good player, nice guy, deserves good team, nice guys. Div2.

  12. Sisu: :id: said:

    For the short period of time he played with my old team (which was almost a year ago) he was already a great demo who we all enjoyed playing with and i have no trouble believing he is capable of div2 now.

    But he folded that team and for that i will never forgive you :@
    Just kidding <3

    Good luck in your search, hope you find a proper team!

  13. Tobyy: TEZC - Pixie <3 said:


  14. fainT(a) said:

    Too busy? Too busy getting hench!! :3

    also his name is fucking retarded
    ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ T☆ b☆ ☆ yy☆☆
    (shouldn’t have sweared)