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DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Low/Open Skill, Fresh Meat

UnitedStates TheVoidShifter

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a team for the Fresh Meat comp! I have 0 experience with tournaments, but I would like to give it a try! I can play any class, some better than others.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:841177558 Add Friend

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Left The Dragon Crusaders [6v6 Fun Team] Ta5K
Joined The Dragon Crusaders [6v6 Fun Team] Perseus

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  1. Link2daFast said:

    Heya. I’ve got no real experience in a competitive setting, but I’d love to be apart if you’re making a team.

  2. Perseus said:

    First time in competitive too. Would like to join. I main spy, plays sniper, soldier, scout, engie pretty well. Pls let me join :’)

  3. Ethan said:

    I’ve got no experience with comp, even though I have 1000 hours, I’m also very bad at most classes, only being decent-ish with heavy, scout, and sniper

  4. Squishy McFish said:

    Hey, I have absolutely no idea how these tournaments work, but I think I’d like to try and have fun. I unfortunately have pretty bad wifi, and my play time would be limited to a few hours after school and on weekends. I have a few hundred hours on TF2, and my best classes are Medic and Engie. I also have Discord, if I can get it to work.

  5. Perseus said:

    Hey Mr voidshifter. Added u on steam. Pls accept. I’d like to join this team XD

  6. Leak said:

    No competitive experience. Main – pyro (~170h), second main – soldier(~70h). Bad at other classes.

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