ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Low+ Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom THE_An0mOLy!

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a low+/mid- scout that fulfils the following credentials:

1) 18+ (not so much about age but at least modicum of maturity)
2) Very good coms <- IMPORTANT!
3) Able to play most nights
4) Definitely able to have a good laugh!
5) Not some n00b who \'thinks\' he\'s low+, as in you MUST have experience to a low+/mid- standard and played in a team before before I will even remotely consider you. :)

What we offer:

Mumble, 5 match servers, community server, training servers + various servers for other games.
Most importantly, lols and good times to be had! :D

Add me/speak to me on IRC if you\'re interested in a trial :)

Happy Hunting! ^^

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:17717728 Add Friend

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Action Team By Date
Left nervousENERGY Highlander? [Highlander] THE_An0mOLy!
Joined nervousENERGY Highlander? [Highlander] THE_An0mOLy!
Joined nervousENERGY Silver [6v6] THE_An0mOLy!
Left nervousENERGY Red [6v6] THE_An0mOLy!
Joined nervousENERGY Red [6v6] Henchie

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