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MedicSoldier  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

England Cockwombles Of Wimbledon Common

Posted by thpathm: | Last Online:

maybe keen

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  1. Included_Middle: :think: said:


  2. thpathm: DMX - BRIT said:

    i mean prem snipe or pyro, not engie or heavy smh…

  3. Funs said:

    I’m no good at chatting up and I always get rebuffed
    Is there’s one thing that I know for sure they don’t do no washing up.
    They always leave the stuff piled up, piled up in the sink.
    But you will always find them in the finals of Open.

    Me and my clients we argued and they needed a new name
    I decided I would sponsor them and bring them lots of fame.
    Sponsor their whole team.
    And what is it I’m gonna do?

    You will always find me providing tips and demo reviews.
    You will [b]always[/b] find me providing tips and demo reviews.
    You will always find me providing tips and demo reviews.

  4. thpathm: DMX - BRIT said:


  5. Crayon said:

    time to keen up now that longboy is gone

  6. Maxi: BRIT said:

    tfw hobnobs did not win the car auction