ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

International The Phlog Noobs

Posted by hrbls: | Last Online:

We are a new clan with players from all over europe but mainly England and france. We are looking to get into 6v6 and highlander, 6v6 being our first priority (hoping to have a team for season 14) we have a fairly solid team and a few of our players have 6v6 experience. We are looking for 2 scouts who are want to have a laugh but put in the hours when needed. Teamspeak + microphone required. Hope to hear from you soon :D

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  1. No Love: TC said:


    I’m a new scout looking for a 6v6/Highlander team to play with, also from England.

    my steam profile is add me if your interested to chat and I look forward to when we do :)

  2. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Someone went wrong with their brackets…

  3. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    …and really wishes there was an “edit post” button in the recruitment section…but alas, there is not.

  4. Ojnikola said:

    I can try. Played a lot as scout but not competitive play.

  5. No Love: TC said:

    As Monkeh said I screwed up my brackets – Either way i’ve added my steam ID to my profile so you can add me through there now if you’re still interested

  6. Achmed said:

    I play scout as my main class i have played TF2 1424 hours and played 276 lobbies so far i entered couple of teams but teams fell apart. Moreover , i am from Turkey not much of a time difference. I have mic and i know how to use “Mumble”. Obviously i can speak English although i cannot make a “That’s what she said” joke easily.

    Steam Community URL: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044003234

  7. január: 4SKINGSJR said:

    hi , i play scout 3 years i have big 6v6 experience , i have mic , i speak english good and i have mumble and ts ..