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Medic  Open Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom The Knee-Free Bee

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Hi. Here's my profile. http://steamcommunity.com/id/thekneefreebee/
I've had experience with three/four different Open teams, and was overall disappointed with the lack of coordination between us. I'm specifically looking for a team that's already been together for a while, but any team is okay.
I live in the UK, so my timezone is just GMT, or GMT+1 during daylight saving. I can play from 4pm till maybe 10pm on weekdays since I'm a student (although that might vary greatly based on the amount of homework I recieve, I'd need some notice if we're doing a scrim so I can finish some stuff early). On weekends, I'm free all day, pretty much. Again though, I'd prefer if I had a few days warning so I can re-arrange my schedule.
I have Mumble and Discord. I don't really like TS, but if it's a must for you, then I guess I could get it. I will not use Skype, no matter how good you are.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:126907511 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Puterelles [Highlander] The Knee-Free Bee
Joined Puterelles [Highlander] Halfecho
Left Limited Edition Extraordinary Team [Highlander] The Knee-Free Bee
Joined Limited Edition Extraordinary Team [Highlander] SMASHBROS39
Left Ice-Meme Sundae [Highlander] The Knee-Free Bee
Joined Ice-Meme Sundae [Highlander] Josh
Left Donald Trump: Powered By Racism.tf [Highlander] The Knee-Free Bee
Joined Donald Trump: Powered By Racism.tf [Highlander] Fuzzy

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