ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicScoutSoldier  Low/Open Skill, Highlander

European The Iron Comrades

Posted by Zylon: | Last Online:

Looking to main this season as scout, medic or pocket
I have comp experience at etf2l, also in ugc (and pub's)

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  1. JamessCz said:

    Hello, can I play with you guys?
    I can play anyone. But from the trials I like Engie and Sniper at most.
    And in subs I prefer spy and medic.
    But I can play anyone.

    Please give me a try.


  2. Fabeure: Arti Rush said:

    Looking to trial on heavy hmu

  3. Fabeure: Arti Rush said:

    Looking to trial on heavy

  4. The Angry Sloth said:

    Want to trial as Demo or Heavy

  5. basty said:

    Looking to trial on Sniper

  6. Nepal: TEMU said:

    Looking to trial pyro and/or engie :)

  7. lil red riding hood: swole. said:

    if u need sniper i can play but my 6s are priority