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MedicScoutSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European The Fi∞

Posted by yeth: | Last Online:

Hi guys! I'm an experient div 5/6 player of 6v6 and im looking for team to win the division 6 or a team to do a stable performance on division 5.

I've around 800 hours as demoman (as I am mainly a highlander demoman) and I am 18 years old.

I would like to find a stable team with mature people and people with the same quality as me.

Add me on steam to trial.

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  1. ModWolves: WS said:

    Add me for trial

  2. mr.frog: NtbCrb - [RUS] said:

    At least 300 hours on your main… Dude this is d6

  3. Simply™ Bob™ said:

    Hello mate,I can play both med and scout, i have over 2,2k hours in the game and quite a bit on the classes i can play, i have previous experience in both HL (won silver last season) and 6v6 (previous teams), hit me up on steam if you want a short dude with a shotgun or a tall dude that spams ubers.

    p.s. i have spy (my main), heavy (played it in HL) and sniper experience, so i can offclass when needed with ease.

  4. R4ndom: Devon said:

    Hi, I’m R4ndom.
    I’m a main scout, but I also offclass if needed (as pyro and sniper).
    I’m looking for a scout slot, mainly because S18 is coming.
    I have 1300+ hrs of TF2 in this account, but I lost my stats(haha)
    I also have experience with scripts.
    Contact me if you’re interested:

    Profile – http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055644988
    Steam name: R4ndom Guy

  5. Brick Top: TBNC - sB! said:

    I can be pocket/roamer. If you do have already the others, hit me up.

  6. euthanasia said:

    hi i’m imperator
    i’m a main scout and offclass (pyro and spy)
    i played 350 hours (scout ) and 530 h totally
    and i played 200 lobbies i tf2 center so i have experience
    and i have afriend who plays medic and have already been in a team 6v6
    steam name : imperator
    profile : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198095788662/

  7. Lone said:

    Added to talk about playing med.

  8. mara: (ETF2L Donator) - LFA said:

    I main soldier and ecspecially pocket.
    I have 300+ hours on solly.

    Add me if interested, I have demos to check out.
    profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097976292/

  9. JustThatLuka said:

    Scout is not my main,but I play it now.
    I have not played 350 hours as a scout but am looking for some experience
    I`m friendly
    Don`t like to overreact and take losing as lesson.
    I try to find mistakes and can take criticism.
    As I said I am looking for some experience so I may not be able to do pro things
    I have played a lot of lobbies and also have been training on mge maps with my friends who are in 1-2 divs.
    steam name:JustThatLuka

  10. diminutive said:

    add me for trail

  11. Dr.Derp said:

    Hey :) I’d like to trial for the soldier spot.
    I have 1212 hours of Tf2 and my main is Soldier.

    Add me to chat about it :)
    Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050953597/

  12. Diesel said:

    Team looks dead, please remove this if it is.