ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Open Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom The DMA Destroyers

Posted by The Shinj: | Last Online:

We Are A New 6v6 Team Currently In Recruiting stages
We Are Looking Mainly For Loyalty And Dedication
We don't care abut skill we are practising for 6v6 S22
Activity Is Important !

Requirements To Apply:

150+ Hours Gametime on TF2

Minimum 10 Lobbies On TF2Centre

TeamSpeak 3

Template App

Steam Name:


ETF2L Name:

Gametime :

Any Additional Info (Optional):

Why you think you should be apart of the team ? (25 Words Min.)

Remember Its All About Fun ! :)

Team Profile

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  1. luminize said:

    why not mumble

  2. The Shinj said:

    I got a room on TS3 Server before i realised mumble was a thing XD

  3. Bruciecookie said:

    I got 40 lobbies on TF2center

    Steam Name: Bruciecookie

    SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198103028221

    ETF2L Name: Bruciecookie

    Gametime : 500 hours

    I’m Dutch and 15 year old. And i main Medic.

    I want to be apart of this team because I like to play TF2 with friends who play 6v6. Be apart of a esport team (is TF2 a esport?) is something that I want do for a long time.

  4. The Shinj said:

    Nuff Said , Your General Looks Of Profile , Gametime , Inv Is Alright :)

    1.Join The steam group for announcements ! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/DMADestroyers
    2.Be There On Saturday 6PM (Tryouts) Server Info Will Be realesed soon
    3.Teamspeak 3 , Dont know if you have it , if not , get it ! TS3 Channel Info Will Be on the group page.

  5. nagah said:

    hey if u r lookin for a heavy or engi im your guy

  6. The Shinj said:

    nagah sorry , even though its shows in the post in 6v6 Im not looking for offset classes
    so no:

  7. CallumSLG said:

    Hey, I’d like to tryout for scout.

    150+ Hours Gametime on TF2

    38 TF2Centers played

    Steam Name: CallumSLG

    SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/callumslg/

    ETF2L Name: CallumSLG

    Gametime: 8.8k

    Any Additional Info: Really willing to help team improvement and a lot of passion for the game and looking to make a serious push for 6s.

  8. qoznyyy said:

    Over 20 TF2Centers played

    17 years old

    Got Teamspeak 3 and Mumble, willing to speak

    Steam Name: EPSILON qoznyyy * ViewSonic

    SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/qozn (if you are going to add me, leave a comment also)

    ETF2L Name: qoznyyy

    Gametime : 810hrs+

    Any Additional Info (Optional): would love to play as Scout

    Why you think you should be apart of the team: Because I love competitive gaming and would like to imporve myself in TF2.

  9. The Shinj said:

    Staring A new Team soon , Add me and be ready to join a upcoming team
    same aspects diffrent name and stuffs

  10. Walshy said:

    Hey i havent played over 10 lobbies as i am just starting to get into comp i have played 6 however and done pretty decently in every single one i played.

    I have teamspeak

    my steam name is: Walshy

    My Steamid: https://steamcommunity.com/id/thatchainsawguy

    ETF2L name: Walshy

    Gametime: 1,000+ hours

    Additional info: Main soldier would really love a place at soldier

    I believe i should be in the team as i have a great competitive streak in me and i hate under performing and i believe my 100+ hours in soldier will be a great asset to the team

  11. fRdz: S&M said:

    Steam Name: fRdz

    SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/onlyfrdz

    ETF2L Name: FRDZ

    Gametime : 1200+ Hours, 511 Hours as scout

    Any Additional Info (Optional): I used to play for IDK back two three years ago. Played TF2 since 07 but had a two year break.

    Why you think you should be apart of the team ? I’m a good scout, and a pretty decent guy overall. I don’t know much about skill placements anymore, but I used to play at div3 level in the previous system. I’m just here to start from scratch and have a good ol time. 

  12. wgl: what said:

    Steam Name : Vigl / /
    SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062898342
    ETF2L name: Vigl / /
    Gametime: 1,1k hours, 115 as demo

    Why you think you should be a part of the team? Well I love the game, I am active and I am a pretty good demo.. I want to have a good time, play some scrims and whatever, I love it all.

  13. Chasing: TC: Ox - TC said:

    I’d like to trial potentially as roamer or scout.
    I have 1900+ hours in tf2 and over 260 lobbies
    Im 19 – Mumble and Teamspeeak

    I have around 250 pyro hours in tf2 so would also be interested in a potential chance to maybe play as a 6v6 pyro?

    Look forward to hearing from you.

  14. FusionSoldier: GoA said:

    Roamer, Got near 3000 hours and have played around 400 lobbies. I am 16 and am only available on mumble. I can also play Scout if there isn’t one available and a Roamer substitute is available.
    Hope to hear back.

  15. Storm Bastard said:

    Steam Name: UE – KannabisKermit

    SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/46924840978413178/home

    ETF2L Name: xXxKannabisKermitxXx

    Gametime : 3000 hours

    Any Additional Info (Optional): Played UGC Iron highlander as scout twice before

    Why you think you should be apart of the team ? I normally do pretty well for my highlander team and really enjoy the competitive side of tf2 and would like to play etf2l when the UGC season ends.

  16. WondSon said:

    got 10 lobbies on tf2center

    TeamSpeak 3

    Steam Name: WoNdSoN

    SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/wondergraphic/

    ETF2L Name: WondSon

    Gametime : 188

    Any Additional Info (Optional): Im kinda new to the competitive side of tf2 but i enjoy it and i want to play some leagues :)

    Why you think you should be apart of the team? I can play almost every day a wek,im really into competitive and if you tell me what you want me to do (dont know everything yet) im sure i wont make you dissapointed.

  17. kola: Tissi said:

    Steam name: PelikOala

    Steam id: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Moalakoala/

    ETF2L Name: pelikOala

    Gametime: 1516 hours

    Any Additional Info (Optional):15 years old nerd from finland can speak decent english

    IWhy you think you should be apart of the team ? because i main med and im loking for team to next season allways available. i have decent hours +130 lobbys inf tf2 center i have somekind of game sence to :)

  18. Jepz: 3D said:

    Got 500+ lobbies on tf2center

    Steam Name: Jepz

    SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jepz_

    ETF2L Name: Jepz

    Gametime : 1600

    Any Additional Info (Optional): 16 years old. Can speak fluently enghlish.

    Why you think you should be apart of the team ? (25 Words Min.)
    I should be into team cause i have good game sence to play as med or pocket soldier.
    I am everyday available to play all over the year

  19. luvi said:

    Steam name: Luvi.
    ETF2L name: luvi
    tf2 hrs: 500
    more stuff: i’m 17, i’m available every night when needed and i have a good enough knowledge of english. I’d like to play either pocket or roamer as my first (serious) team/season (the previous guys that i’ve played with signed up just for the medals :p)

  20. luvi said:

    O shet, why should i be part of the team. Because i love playng tf2 competitively, i have a decent dm/gamesense and i’m really looking for a serious team wich scrims frequently, maptalks and practices frequently

  21. Bernz said:

    Steam Name: BernzMaster

    SteamID: U:1:135456375

    ETF2L Name: Bernz

    Gametime : 1042 as of the time of making this post

    Lobbies: 137

    Extra Info: 17 from UK. Looking to play solley (preferably pocket) or scout (can double as sniper for stalemate situations).

    Why you think you should be apart of the team ? (25 Words Min.) : Looking for a team to break into the competitive scene however everyone these days is looking for competitive experience which I don’t have (everyone has to start somewhere). I work well in a team and always make sure I fill my niche in terms of which class I’m playing.

  22. Mazix said:

    Steam Name: .maz

    SteamID: steamcommunity.com/id/Mazix_

    ETF2L Name: Mazix

    Gametime : 1099 hours

    Any Additional Info (Optional): 15 years old, lives in England. Speaks fluent English

    Why you think you should be apart of the team ? (25 Words Min.): Looking for a 6v6 team that’s around the “mid” skill level. I see my self as a decent scout and I would like to be part of team that plays for fun but is yet serious as well.

  23. Dougie: LE said:

    I stopped tf2 and came back,
    I can play anything on your team if you want.
    I have 1081 lobbies and 2000+ hours in tf2.
    Add me if you need,

  24. pignunchuck said:

    Steam Name:SomeTacos


    ETF2L Name:pignunchuck (old old old name xD )

    Gametime :1050 or something like that

    Any Additional Info (Optional): i have 35 lobbies, and mumble/ts3 i’m 15 canadian, main medic

    Why you think you should be apart of the team ? (25 Words Min.) i really like comp TF2 and i want to take it to the next level, lobbies are fun but a team would be awesome, i know my basic stuff (heal order, when not to/when to pop, buffs, crit heals and more) and my main quality is loyalty, if i get into a team that is willing to help me improve instead of insulting me, i’ll never leave ;) add me if you guys are interrested in me

  25. Monsieur Artichoke: |GF| said:

    Steam Name: capri. :c

    SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/goodprofileurl/

    ETF2L Name: Monsieur Artichoke

    Gametime : 2.8k hours

    Any Additional Info (Optional): 437 lobbies.
    I have a mumble server if you guys want, but TS is grand.
    I live in Ireland, so my English is rather good.

    Why you think you should be apart of the team ? (25 Words Min.)
    I’ve played a few seasons of 6v6 in ETF2L, and merced/subbed/mixed a lot.
    I have a few seasons of HL experience too. Just looking for a team that isn’t elitist but still wants to win.

  26. SusziX: gO. - Jaf. said:

    Hello i main roamer i have 1000hours in tf2 and 250hours in solider
    I have not experience in comp but i practice lot of
    I can speak english but not my best
    Steam name: SusziX
    Etf2l name: SusziX
    i have teamspeak and i have 70lobby on tf2center

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