ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Heavy  Mid+ Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates TF2Power

Posted by vander97: | Last Online:

We need a sniper or demoman

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  1. wasaaaman01 said:

    As I joined the team?

  2. killer10 said:

    demo @ steamuser:bmkiller10

  3. JohnnyBlade said:

    i want to join your team, i am a good pyro,heavy,medic,engi

  4. theredthing2 said:

    Can I please join your team? Im a good sniper,pyro,demoman,heavy, and especially scout

  5. Aktio: highlander said:

    i wanna join as a soilder if possibly or maby demo or scout. spy? one of these please

  6. tauranish13: highlander said:

    i pretty good at engineer or demo id like to join with aktio thats what im best at :)

  7. ShootingDummy said:

    I am a great sniper and medic.My steam account is ShootingDummy.

  8. lance506 said:

    I am good as ANY of the classes, so let me know if you need a space filled.

  9. Aktio: highlander said:

    hi agian, can you please put on this team. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998103640/home my steam

  10. dinoroel said:

    can i please join i need 2 be a sniper tho