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Medic  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

England Terorrizer

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello There!!!! I'm Ryan My steam user name is Ryan and Ryan but in traditional chinese.
a don't really call my self a medic main but a am good like really good at medic. some people call my a hacker because sometimes my aim is really unexpected Like once a got a 3-5 killstreak whit the medics crossbow + a have the ability to heal multiple players :D. If you do reqruit my and a fail your skill checking thing or what ever i'm just gonna say HEY there's room to improve
My loadout:
1. Crusader's Crossbow
2. Medi Gun
3. UberSaw

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:318120038 Add Friend

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  1. tikkeh: MPREG said:

    guy obviously has potential, pick him up

  2. John Cena: Brett said:

    a god a approve

  3. Terorrizer said:

    So am i aproved or somthing
    if a am please respord to this post

  4. Ascend: (ETF2L Donator) - Xypher said:

    i’d be scared of him if I were you

  5. Blanc: 43 said:


  6. qBowN∼: op_sqd said:

    I think his name is Ryan…

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