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Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Italy Tecn0gun

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for an active div 4 team that want to improve and get some positive results.

– available from monday to friday 19cet -23cet
– good comms
– gamesense
– fluent english
– roamer/pocket (pref poket)
– mature
– div 4 skill
– previous etf2l experiece

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:38852974 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Sit n Go [6v6] DL
Joined Sit n Go [6v6] Tecn0gun
Left Synapse [6v6] lazy
Joined Synapse [6v6] Tecn0gun
Left RageQuitters [6v6] Tecn0gun
Joined RageQuitters [6v6] Tecn0gun
Left DEWOW:: Reflex [6v6] Tecn0gun
Joined DEWOW:: Reflex [6v6] The11thNinja
Left The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] Coleman
Left TEZC Highlander! [Highlander] Coleman
Joined TEZC Highlander! [Highlander] Coleman
Left «Gғм» StupraLavandini [Highlander] Tecn0gun
Joined The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] Coleman
Left Genesis Team:: [6v6] Zato1
Joined Genesis Team:: [6v6] stalker
Left Genesis Team:: [6v6] Zato1
Joined Genesis Team:: [6v6] stalker
Left Wise Monkeys [6v6] Satyr
Joined Wise Monkeys [6v6] Tecn0gun
Joined «Gғм» StupraLavandini [Highlander] Tecn0gun

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4 0 128
View Div 4/Div 5 5 361
View Div 4/Div 5 0 125
View Div 5 0 232
View Div 4/Div 5 6 316
View Div 5/Div 6 0 117


  1. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Nice guy, solid pocket and enthusiastic too. Really needs a solid team to hold on to him for a while. Best of luck Mirko.

  2. Zato1 said:

    nice gay..ehm sorry….*guy with a nice skill. Can play div 4 as pocket :) (no romaer pls…omfg ololol). Take him.

  3. Stalker945 said:

    nice guy, take him as a pocket :D

  4. SextiS said:

    Gl ! Good soldier. TECNOOO

  5. jon' said:

    Great guy, top pocket solly, pick him up! Also plays insane guitar solos at mumble, miss u lad <3 =)

  6. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    YES! forgot about the guitar solo’s on mumble. Watch out for is mother “MIRKO! LA CENA E PRONTA!”

  7. TurboTabs: (Classy) - BEER said:

    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: so? what do you think?
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: ???
    TC TurboTabs: alright ech
    TC TurboTabs: tech*
    TC TurboTabs: we’ve made the verdict
    TC TurboTabs: based on todays trials, we would not like to trial you again
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: I played bad?
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: O_o
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: seriously
    TC TurboTabs: not as good as our roamers
    TC TurboTabs: let me explain
    TC TurboTabs: me and dagun agreed that you were quite the picker
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: if u made 2-1 snake is for me
    TC TurboTabs: you probably did the most clutch picks out of most of our trials
    TC TurboTabs: but you are ALWAYS on picking mode
    TC TurboTabs: so most of the time, you die
    TC TurboTabs: enemy gets an advantage
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: just say stay MORE defensive
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: the enemy gets advantage when we lost the medik because the poket didn’t defent it or the other players
    TC TurboTabs: well at div4 shouldnt you realise the right times to go for a pick and times to stay defensive
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: yes they can push 5v6 but how many times i happened? 2?
    TC TurboTabs: felt like a lot
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: how many time ur medik died when we had advanage?
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: 5?
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: 6?
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: in one map?
    TC TurboTabs: it happens, are you really going to start projecting the blame onto other players
    TC TurboTabs: im not talking about why we lost, i’m telling you what we didnt like
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: one player can’t on the first map with a team have perfect timing on when to stay and when to go
    TC TurboTabs: and we didnt like the fact that you are always in pick mode
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: the team have to say
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: u just had to say it
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: T.T
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: easy
    TC TurboTabs: but for the other roamers i dont have to say it
    TC TurboTabs: thus
    TC TurboTabs: they are better
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: I was doing what I was able i that moment
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: if is wrong
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: tell me
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: ok gg
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: it vane to talk
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: *vain
    TC TurboTabs: and we would, if you were on the team, but if another roamer presents the abilities you lack without us telling you then he is the better choice
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: just last fing.. 3 times on the first map and 2 in the second I killed scouts behind the medik and nobody saw they
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: if I was not here he’ll be diead
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: I played as a poket a few times where u was dead
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: and the medik didin’t died
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: so I was not always pick mode
    TC TurboTabs: and these things attribute to nice things we admire in roamers, but still, compared to other roamers you were always going for picks when unneeded
    TC TurboTabs: maybe “always” is an exggeration, much like if i said you were always out of the fight for “13152345” years
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: u know what a few teams div 3 said to me? I was playing not as a roamer but as close as a poket because I didn’t made a lot of picks and because I was defensive so I tryed to do this
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: and I think they were right.. so yeah I can play a lot more defensive if u want
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: but u said the other are better so ok
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: your choice
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: I’m a bit disappointed but ok
    TC TurboTabs: dont you think that maybe? just maybe you heard that; and then cranked it up too much
    TC TurboTabs: fuck there were other things we didnt like but i’m not going to try and help you if you can’t just listen
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: no I played with 3 div 3 teams as a trialist
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: and the always asked me if I revoulsy play poket
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: *peviously
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: because I was not so aggressive
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: and they where right because I played poket for 2 years
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: and were the first few matches as a roamer for me
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: so they were right and I admitted it
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: now is the opposite :D
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: so ok I’m ready to hear
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: I’ll not reply
    TC TurboTabs: haha fuck no, you’ll just go on another hissy fit
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: haha noob
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: I think are not a child
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: but as I can see you are if you answer in this way
    TC TurboTabs: whatever you say man, is there anything else you want?
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: yes that u can use objectivity
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: ;)
    TC TurboTabs: wait what, I explained to you what we didnt like exactly
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: there were other things we didnt like but i’m not going to try and help you if you can’t just listen
    TC TurboTabs: do you even know what that word means
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: cit.
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: so?
    TC TurboTabs: so what?
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: whate are these other things?
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: just to kno
    TC TurboTabs: I’m not going explain because you’ll argue and whine
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: no
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: I promise
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: I’m not a baby
    TC TurboTabs: well fuck, little late to act grown up about it now
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: oh man
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: c’mon
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: u don’t know what to say exactly
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: are you kidding me?
    TC TurboTabs: look, i tried to lay out the things we didnt like but you kicked off after the first one
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: u know why?
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: if played bad ok no reply but I played well and the team did well for my actions
    TC TurboTabs: but as well as our other trialists?
    TC TurboTabs: no.
    TC TurboTabs: this is what you weren’t getting
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: I was frustrated because I kill the combo 4 times and then ur medik suddanly died
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: so is the opposite u are thinking
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: no you and the team felt drustrated for me
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: but me
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: this is the funny thing
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: if the other did their job we had won
    TC TurboTabs: look, you are not getting this
    TC TurboTabs: i’m going to just say the same thing again
    TC TurboTabs: not. as. good. as. the. other. roamer. trialists.
    TC TurboTabs: I’m guessing a common question to be asked was “well what makes them better”
    TC TurboTabs: to us; they knew when best to play defensive & agressive
    TC TurboTabs: before moving onto any other things
    TC TurboTabs: you believe this was our fault, even though other roamers managered to cope fine
    TC TurboTabs: then you take it off topic
    TC TurboTabs: then you make excuses
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: ok my lord
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: happy div 1
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: godd night :)
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: *good
    TC TurboTabs: Good night, good luck with other trials. Maybe this just isnt the right team for you

    Would not recommend…

  8. Tecn0gun said:

    so funny mate u such a kid.. I can upload the demo :) I played an awesome match :D

  9. TurboTabs: (Classy) - BEER said:

    TC TurboTabs: not as good as our roamers

    TC TurboTabs: but for the other roamers i dont have to say it

    TC TurboTabs: “compared to other roamers”

    TC TurboTabs: you believe this was our fault, even though other roamers managered to cope fine

    TC TurboTabs: not. as. good. as. the. other. roamer. trialists.

    The point that you fail to realise; WE FELT THE OTHER ROAMERS WE’RE TRIALING ARE BETTER.

    also I’m not even here because of the way you performed, for that i would just upload demos and perhaps talk about the problems publicly. I’m here because of the way you took the tiniest bit of negativity and criticism. No player should act like this…

  10. Tecn0gun said:

    you act like a kid by posting the chat after a good match I thought that the speech was finished last night.. It’s normal that I reply after a solid performance because you think that I’m too aggressive for you.. I if I failed ok but I didn’t so pls stop this comedy :)

  11. TurboTabs: (Classy) - BEER said:

    “also I’m not even here because of the way you performed, for that i would just upload demos and perhaps talk about the problems publicly. I’m here because of the way you took the tiniest bit of negativity and criticism. No player should act like this…”

    I’m not saying you shouldn’t question someone (even though you didn’t question much, you kinda of tried to change the subject and shift blame for things that weren’t really on top- doh lets not get into that…) I’m saying that you shouldn’t have this attitude when someone is trying to give you feedback.

    If you think / did well that’s great! And if you think / know the trial team who’s leader doesn’t see your astounding skills then perhaps that isn’t the right team for you, which is fine! But the way you respond the criticism and negativity is child-like and disrespectful.

    I don’t how good you think / know / are. But many teams don’t like players that don’t take criticism well. People are just trying to help brah.

  12. BlinkBoy: GFM said:

    He’s a nice fella,too bad he’s such a gay…. top div5/low div4.He might need some time at the beginning like everyone I guess :)

    btw turbo,I think that there was no need to post all the chat, was enough to say only that he’s….ecc :)

  13. Tecn0gun said:

    I’m asking you to change opinon? no so why are you writing here? bring your pro roamer and gtfo!

  14. FrankTheTank said:

    “TC TurboTabs: wait what, I explained to you what we didnt like exactly
    Tecn0gun mix/me trial?: there were other things we didnt like but i’m not going to try and help you if you can’t just listen”


  15. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Tecn0, friendly bit of advice: Don’t respond like that. All it does is put yourself in a bad light.

  16. TurboTabs: (Classy) - BEER said:

    @FrankTheTank: Haha I didn’t notice that. The copy and paste got interrupted by internet drop/offline messages. Must have copied and pasted it wrong when posted the 2nd part. OR MAYBE I FORGED IT ALL MUHAHA :D

  17. FrankTheTank said:

    OR you made the whole thing up

    Looks like Tecn0gun..

    Got Colonslashed


  18. Tecn0gun said:

    just stop this thing

  19. Leif said:

    Very nice guy, also a good pocket. Should do fine, GL!

  20. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    nice guy with decent skills…doesnt fit our team but wish him good luck :)