ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Team Without a Name

Posted by Panda: | Last Online:

We're a new clan with experience in competitive
and we have created it because we want to play daily PCW and get ready for future season.
We're looking for a medic (backup) who can play, as i've already wrote, daily pcw.
Is required : mic, a good english and.. nothing else
We're italian so our hour is UTC+1.

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  1. Hubertis said:

    Hello My Steam ID: Hubertis
    I’m Polish.
    I Can Speak English Smoothly.
    My Timezone is UTC+1.
    My Favorite Classes are:
    Medic, Heavy.
    I am a serious player.
    I am A Team Player
    I did not play ETF2L in my past.

  2. runy: eX. said:

    you should read this: http://etf2l.org/recruitment/132177/

  3. Demopan Civil: vc - 9 ☆ said:

    Hi I am from Middle Europe.
    Already played 900 hours of TF in 1 year so pretty fit. Also I have got many experience from TF2 Lobbys/MGE Training. Can use voice chat, GMT+1.

  4. IcemanHotty: ML said:

    I am Polish, my English is good, maybe not in normal talks but when i am telling info it is.
    I am serious player
    I was playing many pcw’s lobbies, mixes, doublemixex, officials and i know how to play soldier(roamer,pocket)
    I am playing tf2 for 2 years.
    I would like to play with team with some plans for the future.

  5. IcemanHotty: ML said:

    I am Polish, my English is good, maybe not in normal talks but when i am telling info it is.
    I was playing many pcw’s lobbies, mixes, doublemixex, officials and i know how to play soldier(roamer,pocket)
    I am playing tf2 for 2 years.
    I would like to play with team with some plans for the future.
    i have over 3000h in tf2

  6. Valent: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - F.A.W.♥ said:

    hi hit me upp

  7. Wulf Ratha said:

    Hey there, I think I fulfil the criteria, 550+ hours played (about half of it soldier), English speaking (well.. English nationality), have voice chat, aged 31, looking to join a team, feel free to get in touch

  8. LuckyTech said:

    1700 hours, 17, danish (speaks nice English), knows comp tf2, can practice and play 7 days a week. add me if interested

  9. Driverzx: [T-A!]LoS said:

    Hi, I’m looking for a team to play soldier in, I’m looking to get better and have a bit of fun.
    I know my rollouts, but I’m not that consistent (screw them up sometimes)
    I practice MGE a few times per week
    I practice rollouts a few times per week
    I know the regular tactics of a 6′s match and the roles of each class
    A few UGC Highlander Matches (team fell apart)
    about 400 hours of tf2
    I’m Wouter (Dutch, GMT/UTC+1), 18 y/o. I can speak english, know how to use Mumble/TS/Ventrilo and IRC.

    Hopefully I can join you guys, contact me via steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Driverzx