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Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European Team Without a Name

Posted by jocelyn: | Last Online:

We're a new clan with experience in competitive
We have created it because we want to play daily PCW and get ready for future season.
We're looking for a serious Solly(Not a fucking, raging child), daily pcw.
Are required =
– Michropone
– A bit of game sens
– Reliability
– Good English
– Be avaible to play daily PCW
We're italian so our hour is UTC+1.

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  1. Hubertis said:

    ID: Hubertis
    Got a Microphone
    Average Player
    Can play Every Day
    I’m mature
    Perfect English
    Timezone UTC+1

  2. Seleri said:

    Added you for the scout slot

  3. Minus said:

    Hi, my name is Martinus Lund, 14 (soon 15) years old. I come from Sweden.
    Im looking for a Div 6 6v6 team, I play as scout.
    I have not played in any other compedetive teams before, ive only play lobbies (around 300 +)
    Give me a try and tell me what you think. :)
    Ive play a few a scrims too, and I did quite well. :p

    Add me if this might be what your looking for.
    I dont know rly if my english is good xD

  4. Minus said:

    I can usualy play everyday, exept if something important comes in the way (like school, raging moms xD, trips.

  5. NaturalProduct said:

    Look at my recruitment post, or just add my steam to talk :)

  6. IsItASpy said:

    If you’re still looking for a scout:
    I’m 18, a good scout (In my (fair I think) opinion). I’m available to play everyday. I have good mic etc. I don’t rage :D Relatively inexperienced with comp tf2 (game sense is pretty good) but willing to learn and accept all advice. I’m also from England so my English is good :D

  7. rhys said:

    i am div 5-6 scout and medic if needed add me to discuss please

  8. SumBoo said:

    I’m 17 playing scout in tf2lobby.com newcomer to etf2l searching for a team, I’m from Lithuania, English is good at all, can play almost everyday after school.. Hope you need new blood in etf2l team :) Hopefully SumBoo.