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Demoman  Mid+ Skill, 6v6

European Team eMpathy

Posted by kaidus: | Last Online:

Looking for someone to come play for us temporarily while I can't. Steam/irc/whatever for more info.

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View Mid+ 13 1127


  1. crzfst said:

    Should mention that when we will be playing our official vs illegal, they are going to shit all over us like they have been doing those 10 thousand times we have played them.

  2. ups said:

    Nah, don’t worry, Line will carry you through the officials. Just stay in the respawn area and show-off your hats to each-other!

    These guys are exceptionally friendly and understand the game really well. If someone would help them out during this period pretty sure that person would have a really good time.

  3. Hat said:


  4. LUPUS said:

    Good luck guys.

  5. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    ups has obviously been playing against empathy when momento mori, blind, crzfst, GibbZ, Kaidus and fle were not playing.

  6. Vladi: TIDS said:

    take brt.
    his english sucks, but he plays a good demo.

  7. Koeitje: AUTOBOTS said:

    Anty? You need a guy that can play the same kaidus’ style.

  8. dr icecream said:


    Try this guy, he hasn’t got an impressive record, but he knows how to play his class, and how to do his comms :)

  9. randa said:

    why are you bumping old threads? there both sorted now i believe.

  10. DominiX: sP. said:


    Try this guy, he hasn’t got an impressive record, but he knows how to play his class, and how to do his comms :)

    Made my day ^_^

  11. electrizzity said:


  12. baerbel: trick17 - trick17 said:

    i added you to steam kaidus!

  13. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    mid+ demoman baerbel. Not mascot.

  14. kanf said:

    trial me! =)