ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates Team Do-nothings

Posted by mouthycobra525: | Last Online:

Hello we are the Team Do-nothings and are looking for a medic demoman soldier scout and pyro
if your interested please send me a request to join and I hope to see you in my team. :D

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  1. Agent Waffle: The Majestic said:

    You got your pyro right here, if your willing to give me a chance and recruit me. :P

  2. Astro: [IJAG] said:

    Yo my names astro and i have over 500 hours clocked on tf2 and i main scout a nd demo but can play other classes if needed

  3. Kenath said:

    Well, I main Scout and Solly, but I mostly main Scout.

  4. AdasWrath said:

    Hello i have over 1000+ hours on tf2 and i have played lots of mge and lobbies. Lemme know if you are interested. I am currently maining roamer but i can also offclass as a spy or scout

  5. Obese said:

    I main aggressive scout, and I have over 2000 hours logged on tf2, I could also play roaming soldier, demo, and passive scout. I have no experience with competitive tf2, and I would like to start with you guys, I do have a lot of casual game experience, and I usually get top of scoreboard as scout, with more than 3 dominations. Please consider for a possible candidate.

  6. Just Juan Guy said:

    Hi, I’m interested in the position, I have over 800 hours on Tf2 and main scout. If needed, I also offclass as Medic and Demo

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