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DemomanScout  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

International Team Colonslash: Pengcompetent

Posted by Oxy: | Last Online:

UPDATE: Due to a huge number of trialists I can't guarantee anyone who responds to this post will get a trial. Feel free to register your interest regardless though, if you really impress me you might jump the queue.


Backstory (you can skip): Me, Maniac and Jr are going to reincarnate TC.Penguins. We are going to use a new roster however since Combo's PC blew up and we're not sure how he'd be with us using his roster, would be sorta disrespectful just to take it over. It's worth noting me and Maniac are both changing classes too.

So back on track, we're looking for a few other like-minded people to join and finish the roster. Short summary on what we're looking for with each:

1x Scout: Preferably quite vocal.
Demoman: I will be very, very fussy about our choice of demoman. You need to be vocal and call focus targets since you are the main damage dealer. If your as quiet as a mouse it won't work out. Also don't overextend like crazy please.

– 16yrs+ only pls
– Good english. Friendly banter is important.
– Capable of Div 4 at your chosen class.
– Can play 3 nights a week (out of sun-weds, we have yet to fully decide) from 19.30 CET onwards
– Recognise that you are joining a community. Wear our tags and avatars!

– Couple of the nicest players in TF2. Plus me.
– Looking to improve
– Great english & banter
– From one of the best TF2 communities!
– Three of us played last season together

Wooo that was long. Sorry! :D
Hope to hear from you soon,


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  1. Bakuraptor: TTTT - TT said:

    Lovely guys, lovely community, and an awesome opportunity for anyone looking to play on this level – get involved now or regret not doing so later =D

  2. The Fuckin' Joker said:

    Hello, I want to trial for the demo spot.

  3. tatacom said:

    I would like to trial for the soldier spot, how would I go about doing that? :)

  4. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    Good luck gentlemen. I shall remove oxy from my triallists list then i suppose.

    See you on the battlefield sometime.

  5. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    Aye I was gonna chuck you a message monkeh but I aint on steam again till this evening

  6. M4RK said:

    Ohai there man i would like to trial for the scout spot ^^

  7. Sideshow: (ETF2L Donator) - ft. - WiK? said:

    Which classes are you Maniac and Jr playing?

  8. Deljin: 4SKINGS said:

    I would like to trail for the scout spot. Add me on steam since ur friend list is full :>

  9. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    Sideshow; I shall be back on my more familiar pocket, maniac will take medic and jr will still be backup sadly cos he doesn’t have enough time.

  10. Ond kaja: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Ask Switchan I heard he is looking for a team.

  11. DoomsDay said:

    would like to give it a go.. Add me on steam

  12. VladTC: TCC said:

    Would love to trial. Don’t have div4 experience but i see myself capable of it

  13. Maniac said:

    Heyo, Oxys friends list is pretty packed, so if its full just comment here and he’ll try and get in touch with you asap! I’d also appreciate if you didn’t add me if his list is full, thanks!

  14. omrish said:

    might would be interested, hit me up in steam

  15. Raxen said:

    wanna trial

  16. Theoneseeker: #brahs said:

    add me for demoman trial

  17. Raxen said:

    would like to trial

  18. Smoothie: tB - tB TJ said:

    I have a good idea for you about the trials, add me :)

  19. Oxy: TC.Express said:

    Found one scout and our roamer.
    Still looking for a demoman and one scout.

  20. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    now scotteh has joined i’ll say how good this team is

    this team is good

  21. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Need to play v. Reditio now!

    Drackk v. Scotteh!
    Clash of the Titans!


  22. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    thats no clash, scotteh could win with one hand

    ps. drackk isnt a titan
