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Spy  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

Russia T1mmy

Posted: | Last Online:

Only main
Improving 24/7 + available 99% of the time
Really keen
(Would not mind any language team)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:173022987 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Turn 90 Artillery [Highlander] BrannMolvik Norway
Left Lean Mean Meme Queens [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Lean Mean Meme Queens [Highlander] toco
Left Avangard [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined 11/9 [6v6] chocolate
Left P.M.S 6's [6v6] T1mmy
Joined Avangard [Highlander] Fartsa
Left Pest Control [Highlander] T1mmy
Left order:score etf2l male/male [2v2] Slippy
Joined Pest Control [Highlander] chocolate
Left Avangard [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Avangard [Highlander] Fartsa
Left Equestria Girls [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined kabadayi avcilari [4v4] pod
Joined Equestria Girls [Highlander] Pink
Joined order:score etf2l male/male [2v2] Slippy
Left babka w stole [Highlander] Bona_
Joined babka w stole [Highlander] Bona_
Left Equestria Girls [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Equestria Girls [Highlander] kilikia
Left Crystal Castles [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Crystal Castles [Highlander] PROJECT CJ7AHU,bI
Left 1DayOff [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined 1DayOff [Highlander] Strike
Left 1DayOff [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined 1DayOff [Highlander] Strike
Left Crystal Castles [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Crystal Castles [Highlander] PROJECT CJ7AHU,bI
Joined P.M.S 6's [6v6] Kaylus
Left mogu [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined mogu [Highlander] T1mmy
Left Equestria Girls All Stars [6v6 Fun Team] ETF2L Staff
Left NO LAND FOR SOY PEOPLE [Highlander] ETF2L Staff
Left P.M.S 6's [6v6] ETF2L Staff
Joined NO LAND FOR SOY PEOPLE [Highlander] 1007
Left Late To School [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Late To School [Highlander] sunflower
Left NO LAND FOR SOY PEOPLE [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined NO LAND FOR SOY PEOPLE [Highlander] 1007
Left Equestria Girls [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined P.M.S 6's [6v6] Nixon
Left KucyJIbKu S3RIK'A [6v6] T1mmy
Joined Equestria Girls All Stars [6v6 Fun Team] Mong
Joined KucyJIbKu S3RIK'A [6v6] Serik
Joined Equestria Girls [Highlander] aryanne
Left Monkey Mafia [6v6] T1mmy
Left W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Monkey Mafia [6v6] Ashen
Left OldHammers [6v6] T1mmy
Joined W e e z e r ✯ F a n c l u b [Highlander] Temrane
Left Tripartite Pact [Highlander] Flemming
Joined OldHammers [6v6] Oldschool
Left %TeamName% [6v6] Stu
Joined %TeamName% [6v6] Stu
Joined Tripartite Pact [Highlander] Flemming
Left Malding Fortress [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Malding Fortress [Highlander] T1mmy
Left Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] T1mmy
Left Grant Vincent Appreciation Club [6v6] T1mmy
Joined Grant Vincent Appreciation Club [6v6] Klarra
Left 5Merks [6v6] T1mmy
Joined 5Merks [6v6] The King Of Hedgehog
Left Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives [6v6] T1mmy
Joined Mr McVities, Grandstanding Digestives [6v6] El Beno
Left P.M.S 6's [6v6] T1mmy
Joined Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] Whip
Left PBS [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined P.M.S 6's [6v6] flewvar
Joined PBS [Highlander] flewvar
Left Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs [6v6] T1mmy
Left Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] T1mmy
Joined Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs [6v6] Whip
Left santa+5 [6v6 Fun Team] T1mmy
Left Beefed Shot [6v6] T1mmy
Joined Beefed Shot [6v6] OakenTree
Left Crazy Cripples [6v6] T1mmy
Joined Crazy Cripples [6v6] T1mmy
Left Poundland BLACK [6v6] T1mmy
Joined santa+5 [6v6 Fun Team] row
Joined Poundland BLACK [6v6] row
Left Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs [6v6] T1mmy
Joined Mr McVities, Grandstanding HobNobs [6v6] Whip
Joined Magnificent Bastards [Highlander] Xeno
Left Zip n Dip [6v6] Shadu
Joined Zip n Dip [6v6] Shadu
Left Five'Z [6v6] T1mmy
Joined Five'Z [6v6] T1mmy
Left Timmy's team [6v6] T1mmy
Joined Timmy's team [6v6] T1mmy

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Mid 11 878
View High/Mid 7 422
View High/Mid 5 632
View Prem/High 17 1201
View High 33 955
View High/Mid 5 477
View High/Mid 9 793
View Low/Open 4 527
View Open 0 240
View Open 0 409


  1. rae: kZk said:

    insane commitment and stabs, knows how this game works
    solid pickup

  2. Oldschool: DBLE said:

    very good and keen spy , only sentient player on his previous team,
    hard carried mid and overall very cool spy main (21 bruh)

  3. juup: LTS said:

    21 bruh

  4. Nixon: (Head Admin) - HIV+ said:

    Very good spy, always looking to improve, cool guy. Pick him up

  5. ReseF: 2MNYCHDS said:

    Bruh timmothy stabbers united revolved? shot.

  6. Flemming said:

    he vented guys. Can play div 2, but whatever you do, DONT act sus around him

  7. Haevn: LAW - pizza said:

    Great comms, beast spy and very keen. Top tier gamer!

  8. stick said:


  9. Un4given: GANJA said:


  10. Phlogic said:

    pleasure to play with S24. clean comms and insane playmaker. very strong pickup for any Mid+ team.

  11. saltyy said:

    good player, was basically a second spy for the amount of times he merced for us. nice comms, defo a pick for a solid mid team. (d2 maybe?)

  12. theos: REMOVE - CCP said:


  13. kilikia: wL. - wL. said:

    mommy milkers lover 1999

  14. edgarr: BRIT said:

    Fine friend, fine spy and solid gamer over all- pick ’em up!

  15. BlastFM: TS said:

    good gamer

  16. Soul Fire said:

    A very good spy player who’s hard to keep track off and constantly changes how they play, they should be a mid spy no question.

  17. cheriberry said:

    good mentor and good spy. knows all the sneaky spots a pyro needs to know.

  18. Bliztank: milkers said:

    always seems to perform well, very friendly too

  19. Haiva: Exp - PC said:

    Keen and hardworking player. With additional help and pointing in a right direction can definitely play higher than mid.

  20. Begone said:

    cool spy

  21. Anon said:

    great backstabs and good calls, go pick him up

  22. Cake: gun said:

    always been a beast in game, comms are insane too, pick him up

  23. flewvar said:

    milf lover man dude

  24. Strike: ongod said:

    T1mmy’s a great team player. My beloved heavy that is as sneaky on heavy as only spies can)). He’a always helpful, team oriented and polite. If I’d have enough time to play team I’ll be happy to play med with such players.