ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanHeavyMedicSoldier  Open Skill, Fresh Meat

UnitedStates Sur

Posted: | Last Online:

Here's my steam if you want to look at my stats http://steamcommunity.com/id/69man420man69/
Ignore the most points/kills in tf2, those very high numbers are from my early days of idle servers. I have ~800 hours in game. I'm not that bad of a player, but I'm not super good either. Never done any competitive thing outside of the in-game comp mode or finding comp players in pubs.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:186503377 Add Friend

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Joined The Top Hats [6v6 Fun Team] Sur

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  1. Olee said:

    I may do this. Depends on me friends, but I am good solly, scout, and non-sticky-spammer demo.

  2. Kenzo said:

    ey, i’d like to join this team please.

  3. zalzis said:

    Hello it seems you may need a true blue Australian sniper. I would like to join this team. I have a bit over 400hrs and have my good and bad days of sniping.

    ~zalzis: Australia

  4. themadnessman said:

    I might do this, depends on when the games happen, I’m alright on engineer as well as pyro

  5. Sur said:

    I think this post was in the place where you make a post about you so teams looking for players get people, right? Either way, there’s four people on this post and one dude that commented on my profile. That’s 6 people. I’ll contact people seperately if no one sees this.

  6. Fish: MAW said:

    Im interested in joining this team. I main soldier and currently have 692 hours in the game, and 200 on my old account. My profile linkhttp://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198202216091/

    I might not be able to play, depending on the time.

  7. Fish said:

    Hi, my name is fish food and here is my steam account http://steamcommunity.com/id/fishfoood/

    I would like to join your team, i currently have 1,878 hours on team fortress two and consider myself a good soldier and maybe a scout. I hope you consider this and would accept me into your team. Thanks -Fish Food

  8. Lance Smites said:

    I’m interested in this team, I can generally be whatever class is required for me to be. I have many hours on TF2 but no comp experience outside a few times playing TF2’s in-game comp mode. I have many hours played on TF2 but I took a break a while ago because the updates weren’t interesting me, so I’m rusty. I have really good days and really bad days.

    If you are interested ^

  9. Fraggins said:

    Can I join? I play scout/soldier with 1,380 hours on the game but I might not be available at all times so if I can join I’d be a sub

  10. Sebi said:

    I am a fresh meat from Canada and available from 4:00 – 6:30 weekdays and on weekends I am practically available whenever.

    I am a good pyro and a decent heavy. I am very flexible in classes so I would like to join this team.

  11. Capt. Ben Sisko: MAW said:

    Hello I am from The US and have practically no competitive experience (a couple games in valve comp) and I am interested in joining this team. I currently have around 800 hours in the game however my stats page for the game is inaccurate due to a glitch experienced on a community server. I main medic but I am decent at soldier, demo and heavy I can usually play during most weekdays at 6:00 to 9:00 (depending on what I’m doing) however I am usually available during almost all of the weekend.

  12. Sebi said:

    Also here is my steam profile

  13. Sebi said:

    my steam id is this http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198182090858/

  14. Thehunter926: MAW said:

    Hello, I main Soldier and I am capable of playing Scout/Demo/Spy as well, but the majority of competitive experience I have comes from Soldier.

    Hours don’t mean too much, but I have around 3000 hours logged when you take away the idling I’m sure I’ve done. I have experience in the sense that I’ve played some of the comp gamemode as well as a few lobbies, but I think this would be the best experience. Please remember that I have minimal experience though, that’s my excuse in case I suck xD

    I’m not too sure of my schedule as it changes frequently, but I am very interested in trying this.

    My steam link is https://steamcommunity.com/id/Thehunter926/

    I hope this can work out, I will have to see as time goes by. Thanks for considering :D

  15. Jan: (League Admin) - |FV| said:

    There was a bit of misunderstanding. The player who made this post is also looking for a team. That’s why it was posted in “Players” section of recruitment pages.

    But looking at the responses here you guys should try to make a team together looking at how much interest there is.

  16. Thehunter926: MAW said:

    Oh…. I was looking through “recruitment” and found this, it was my understanding it was a team. But I agree, with this much interest I guess we might as well lol

  17. Capt. Ben Sisko: MAW said:

    How would one go about actually starting a team under the recruitment listings (I cant seem to figure it out).

  18. Capt. Ben Sisko: MAW said:

    I figured out how to create a team its id is 28481 I will invite all those who provided IDs and those who still wish to join can also provide steam IDs. The team name is MightAsWell 1. because I could not think of a better name and 2. “But I agree, with this much interest I guess we might as well lol” -thehunter926.

  19. Sur said:

    Now that Jan cleared everything up for me (thank you), there never was a team, but I seemed to amass enough people to make one, so I made one. Sorry to everyone who came later, you should go hit up Sisko. He seems to have an open team.

  20. Thehunter926: MAW said:

    Who are the ones who were here first, idk

  21. HardlyHumorous said:

    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198351844678/ Im rather new player and Im not a bad player but not a good one I would like to play engineer and I could be a valuable asset to the team….. and I have no prior experience in competitive. If engineer is not available I could possible play pyro or scout but I am best as engineer thank you for reading this and I hope you choose meeeee!!!!! :)

  22. Bacon: #MDT said:

    I’m pretty new to comp. I like 800 hours and I’m best at soldier. I can also play medic and heavy pretty well.


  23. Bacon: #MDT said:

    I’m pretty new to comp. I like 800 hours and I’m best at soldier. I can also play medic and heavy pretty well.

  24. Jan: (League Admin) - |FV| said:

    @Capt. Ben Sisko: Sorry for late reply. When you’re making a recruitment post (link here: http://etf2l.org/wp/wp-admin/index.php?page=recruit) first option you’re given is a drop down menu saying “You are:” with options “A player” and “A team”. That’s how you can create a post for either a player or a team. On the top of recruitment page you can then switch between player posts and team posts:

  25. Krazy Dude said:

    I could play Heavy or Solider, I am pretty good as them.

  26. RussianGFish said:

    I play many classes, I have 800 hours. I’m very flexible in Solly, engineer, medic, and heavy. I would love to be on a team.

  27. Bastian0930 said:


    I am Bastian0930, and would like to join this team. I can play medic pretty decently, am capable of uberchains, I am EXTREMELY good at spy with the eternal reward, and can do a 1-2-3 combo as a pyro with the flame thrower, flare gun, and axetinguiser.

    My link to my user page is http://steamcommunity.com/id/bastian0930/

    Thank you for considering my team join request.

    TLDR: Amazing at spy, Great at pyro, good at medic, and can use demoknight. I can main pyro/spy, and use both freaquently.

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