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Medic  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Israel Plumber

Posted: | Last Online:

Since the last team project failed , im looking for team in div 3 for season 17.
Add me for more information or trial.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:102546452 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Mad? [Highlander] JoeTea
Joined Pussy Hunters [6v6 Fun Team] CapricorN
Joined Mad? [Highlander] Billy
Left TheBahnhofs [Highlander] Plumber
Left Moss Pigs [6v6] Fra.ger
Joined Moss Pigs [6v6] Fra.ger
Left NervousENERGY Kinetic [6v6] h3x
Joined NervousENERGY Kinetic [6v6] h3x
Left Dictatorship United [6v6] Plumber
Joined Dictatorship United [6v6] Plumber
Left Dictatorship United [6v6] Plumber
Joined Dictatorship United [6v6] Plumber
Left Team Ashkenazim [2v2] Plumber
Left Unexpected gaming [6v6] Plumber
Joined TheBahnhofs [Highlander] Plumber
Left Robeomega [1v1] Robeomega
Left The Bahnhofs [Highlander] Plumber
Joined Robeomega [1v1] Plumber
Joined Unexpected gaming [6v6] Plumber
Joined The Bahnhofs [Highlander] Plumber
Left Unexpected gaming [6v6] dizerRR
Joined Team Ashkenazim [2v2] Plumber
Joined Unexpected gaming [6v6] Plumber

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3 8 538
View Div 3 0 135
View Div 3 9 374
View Div 6 1 174


  1. Patty: xD said:

    Solid medic, great gamesense, pick him up!

  2. Noamigo said:

    not div 4 but give him a shot

  3. Phnx: kZk said:

    Great guy and flaming cat is banned for being a 12 year old squeaking girl with no brain.
    div 4 for sure, div 3 with the right team.
    give him a try:)

  4. SuicidalPlumber said:

    Tanks guys, flaming cat u dickhead retarded and banned from etf2l for hacking so I dont think u have the right to comment here.

  5. vigi said:

    good gamesense, awesome teammate. you won’t be disappointed.

  6. Noamigo said:

    2 russians 2 hated…

  7. Harns said:

    just a really solid medic, and a nice guy too!

  8. SuicidalPlumber said:

    Stupid and racist :D GL in life Flaming Cat

  9. ScrollLock. said:

    Good medic and nice guy. “flaming cat” just shutup u arent even div6 gl finding a team when your ban over also gl finding a team that want a 10 years old like u .

  10. Noamigo said:

    yea and im the dickhaed
    phoenix:getts mocked by entire Israely community while I stand up for him and tell them to “stop I don’t understand why u hate him so much?”
    I do now…
    Plumber:Sees im trialing to the same team as him…
    tells lies to the leader and takes my spot…
    GL urself u scumbag

  11. Phnx: kZk said:

    it is not that hard to take your spot, all you need to do is stand afk in spawn, get out in the last minute of the match get 1 frag and he already does better than you.
    (yes the picture of you getting 3 points in 15 minutes is still up don’t worry)

  12. ScrollLock. said:

    pepole atleast like phoniex every one hate you , u are 10 years old that dont have any life just stop comment u sound more stupiend than my bad english

  13. ScrollLock. said:


  14. SuicidalPlumber said:

    Pls stop spamming the rec post with ur fight here :D im enjoying it but just dont spam , ty ^^

  15. General CaspeR: YH said:

    This post gave me cacner
    No srsly, no one gives a fuck

  16. SuicidalPlumber said:

    And you comment this because…?

  17. Seven Lions: Dr+// said:

    good player,nice person,huge penis

  18. Marty: lala said:

    I haven’t played with him in a while, but he’s a damn nice guy!

  19. NukeAcid: RGB - DANK! said:

    Good dude, good player nothing more to say <3

  20. Pinks said:

    Good medic, fun guy, should definitely pick him up :D

  21. BenBazinga: Garlic.tf said:

    Great guy, pick him up

  22. Hatake: Hi said:

    Good medic very nice guy

  23. Noamigo said:

    good medic and i hope u get a team soon…
    don’t want to fight….

  24. Zafus: BRIT said:

    Good at sucking dick.

  25. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    used to play in my team. He was quite good but he is raging sometimes & has some haters like me.But i can say that he wants to improve alot.idk if he is still raging in games but he can play d4 level as solly/med i guess. GL

  26. SuicidalPlumber said:


  27. SuicidalPlumber said:


  28. Hry!: BFN said:

    Fun person, but will be serious when needed!

    Played with him many times, great gamesense, got his heal priorities down, excellent heals
    A+++++ Pick up!

    Can’t comment on his 6v6 skill but is good at highlander :D

  29. Hermess: [T-A!] said:


  30. ScrollLock. said:


  31. SuicidalPlumber said:


  32. SuicidalPlumber said:


  33. ManTouched: IKEA said:

    He’s a good med and known for being a very calm and relaxed guy :>

  34. wackey: 4SKINGS said:

    really nice guy, can handle div 4 but not div 3

    kos saba shha

  35. Rachnus said:


  36. SuicidalPlumber said:

    bumpers :D

  37. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Holy Shit scrolllock, your Englisch does suck! (;

    As for plumber… Not Played 6s with him i think but i do remember him as a Sound Guy, good at trashtalking pregame and some Nice Binds.

    Who can really Tell what DIV a player is. Trial him and See for yourself

  38. kronis: NASA - hi im dog said:

    rosterriding at its best.

  39. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    div 5 for sure, gl.

  40. h3x: bedgetf2 said:

    ^said d2

  41. SuicidalPlumber said:

    lol , jacky stop thinking u better than everyone , u just retarded and hated guy

  42. Switch: soL. - T⑨ said:

    shitty internet got bombed by hajis. Also is a jew.

  43. Robeomega said:

    43 comments wow

    otherwise pick him

  44. SuicidalPlumber said:

    Lol, Switch <3 im looking up for the next double mix hehe ^_^

  45. Switch: soL. - T⑨ said:


  46. Robeomega said:

    Get him