ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Denmark Sugoi as PuzZle! Fanboys

Posted by Solid: | Last Online:

Since our roamer decided to get a life we're looking for someone who can do 149dmg to medics for us in S17

You should have:
– Please don't be a rager
– You should be able to speak and understand english on a decent level
– You should have atleast a season or 2 of division 2 or 3 experience.
– Able to take and also give criticism
– Call a bit (aka. don't be silent :3)

What to expect from us:

– TF2 Server + Mumble
– Team that you can have a laugh with but that also knows when to be serious
– We also like to play with each other casually
– We'll play 3 days a week during the off season
– Aiming at Division 2 for season 17

If you're interested add: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025102049/

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  1. ThaZimmer said:

    These guys are some fantastic creatures! Also pretty good at clicking stuff.

  2. clip: ist doof said:

    really nice guys

  3. mrwhizz said:

    my retarded spawn

  4. Solid Speerlaiye: who is? - itsallgood said:


  5. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    cool guys, recommended team

  6. Solid Speerlaiye: who is? - itsallgood said:

    Bump. Now searching for a med

  7. Solid: who is? - itsallgood said:

    Bump. lf roamer now