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Scout  High Skill, 6v6

Scotland STOGE

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello friends,

I'm looking for teams I can commit to, I stayed in Yeezus Fanclub since Season 19 through all its roster changes and players I disliked, and even stayed on longer with the core roster into other teams.

I want to move up as a team and not as a single player, I will commit to your team if you all commit as much as I do. Up for demo reviews/regular scrims, really keen to learn and improve myself, and I hope you are too as my team :).

Motivation is back and at a possible all time high, please give team.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:85251870 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Ora Elektro [6v6] Eemes
Left Scotland [National 6v6 Team] Deox
Joined Ora Elektro [6v6] hemp
Left Ora Elektro [6v6] celvn
Joined Ora Elektro [6v6] hemp
Left Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] STOGE
Joined Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] hemp
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Ducky
Left Coffin Clan [6v6] STOGE
Joined Coffin Clan [6v6] croix
Left الشيطان [1v1] STOGE
Joined EASY TARGET [6v6] pajer0
Left bagel is gay LOL [6v6] STOGE
Joined Scotland [National 6v6 Team] sheepy dog's hand
Joined bagel is gay LOL [6v6] hemp
Left Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] STOGE
Left Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] STOGE
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Bren
Left Imperial Dragons eSports [Highlander] DINDU
Joined Yeezus Lanclub [LAN Team] STOGE
Joined Imperial Dragons eSports [Highlander] DINDU
Left Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] STOGE
Joined Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] bagel
Left such a cool wasp [6v6] STOGE
Joined such a cool wasp [6v6] pajer0
Left ded team boys [6v6] Ducky
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Bren
Left AMENO [Highlander] STOGE
Joined ded team boys [6v6] Ducky
Left Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] STOGE
Left Nils Olav Defence Squad [2v2] STOGE
Joined Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] hemp
Left Lemmings [6v6] STOGE
Joined Lemmings [6v6] ZYKAZ
Left Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] STOGE
Joined x_ShaDowClan_x [6v6 Fun Team] hemp
Left Lads On Tour [6v6 Fun Team] STOGE
Joined AMENO [Highlander] pajer0
Left Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] STOGE
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Puar
Left Hempus is an Unpleasant Man [Highlander] STOGE
Joined Nils Olav Defence Squad [2v2] hemp
Left Bren DROPS!? [2v2] STOGE
Joined Bren DROPS!? [2v2] Bren
Left Bren DROPS!? [2v2] STOGE
Joined Hempus is an Unpleasant Man [Highlander] Anus Stretcher
Left Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] STOGE
Joined Lads On Tour [6v6 Fun Team] Ducky
Joined Bren DROPS!? [2v2] STOGE
Joined الشيطان [1v1] STOGE
Joined Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] Bren
Left BagelSucks [6v6 Fun Team] STOGE
Joined BagelSucks [6v6 Fun Team] STOGE
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Bren

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High/Mid 10 479
View Mid/High 8 407
View Open/Mid 1 155
View Open/Mid 0 223
View Div 5/Div 6 4 328


  1. Caeli: #T4F said:

    this guy is amazing

  2. fonexi.a said:


  3. myownigorek said:


  4. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    invited to team : )

  5. ZYKAZ: .:[aAa]:. said:

    really good dm if u coordinate with him can improove fast really cool in general (he sounds annoyed thats what people say but he isnt annoyed he is a fun guy) <3 [noHomo]

  6. pajer0 said:

    gay af

  7. Detoed.: (inactive) said:


  8. hemp: ORA said:

    Brakarboy #1

  9. WRU said:

    loves quake & devil daggers; must be good @ tracking

  10. Collaide said:

    “its roster changes and players I disliked”

    not this time ! x D

  11. STOGE: TDP said:

    collaide this team had nothing to do with yeezus at all

    Also stop shittalking me on streams kid

  12. bluR-: Pander said:


  13. antares: /// said:

    owned by a pyro rofl

  14. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    bog u stoge i didnt like u either !

  15. hemp: ORA said:

    stoge is poop dont pick him up !!

  16. sinr said:


  17. STOGE: TDP said:

    We’ve all had our dark pasts :(…..

  18. bluR-: Pander said:

    gr8 lobby memories

  19. Collaide said:

    I shittalk you on streams?????????????????? what the fuck are you on about?????????????????????

  20. sinr said:

    Dude, that video is fucking great! 8)

  21. Caeli: #T4F said:

    massive gamer

  22. STOGE: TDP said:

    You said I was a brainless dm retard that just pushes people or something on a friends stream, please don’t judge me before you’ve even played with me.

  23. Collaide said:

    Well it’s true you had dm enough for high seasons ago nigga

  24. Collaide said:

    http://logs.tf/1530529 also i’ve played against you dummy

  25. INS said:

    Very good at spotting fucking idiots & dealing with them.

  26. tobs: LIDL said:

    Very great people person

  27. tobs: LIDL said:

    and gamer dont forget the gamer

  28. Zamparonie: MAGDONAL - op_sqd said:

    best HL scout i ever playd whit #Hempus is an unplesant man 2018

    loves shrek

  29. hemp: ORA said:

    remove the /mid from your post you silly cunt, stop sandbagging in mid or i will report you ?

  30. Phnx: kZk said:

    the best retard I have ever played with.
    high scout without a doubt.
    don’t stop uploading videos.

  31. pajer0 said:

    a god

  32. MKY: vs said:

    nice guy and a very devoted team member.

  33. STOGE: TDP said:


  34. WML said:

    Great twitch memes, made me come out publicly tho :(

  35. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Trialled for my team, 10/10 scout, sick DM and minimal but very useful calls. Excellent addition for any team. Would have picked him up, but after Dima left us to help out his old team, we ended up needing a soldier more than a scout.
    Good luck, stoge. Hope we can stay homies.

  36. JakescRzyy.: Team - 8===D said:

    pretty decent scout, can bring quite a lot to the team if you pick him up, dm on point aswell as calls, definitely deserves a decent team that he can go far with.

  37. Aaron said:

    Seem like a top lad.
    Can prolly get you some Irn-Bru to the i-series.

  38. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    u will never escape yeezo

  39. STOGE: TDP said:

    boop the snoot

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