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PyroSniperSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom SquatingBear

Posted: | Last Online:

I play alot less than i did never the less i have experience in mid skill, won 6c, give/take feedback would love an english speaking team that i could join/play for on a regular basis

add me on steam for more details

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:22353640 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined bear is awful [6v6] SquatingBear
Left Moosecakes Bum [6v6] SquatingBear
Joined Moosecakes Bum [6v6] Deripsni
Left neXt [6v6] Krimson
Joined neXt [6v6] SquatingBear
Left Froody Doody [6v6] SquatingBear
Joined Froody Doody [6v6] Deripsni
Left Froody TF2 [6v6] Doggman
Joined Steev [Highlander] zeizZ
Left Team FaYL [Highlander] SquatingBear
Joined Froody TF2 [6v6] Doggman
Left Tplay Easy Company [6v6] WOODY[
Joined Tplay Easy Company [6v6] Tobyy
Left Negatory! [6v6] zeizZ
Joined Negatory! [6v6] zeizZ
Left Froody TF2 [6v6] Doggman
Joined Team FaYL [Highlander] WOODY[
Joined Froody TF2 [6v6] Jabba
Left Flaming Moes [6v6] Wave Man
Joined Flaming Moes [6v6] Wave Man

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  1. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    too stupid to run quake live, he can’t install plugins

    he can get airshots tho

  2. Tawmo: TF2Fold said:

    Can get quite mad but still brings home the bacon. reliable player although expect alot of flash games distracting him.

  3. JustMoose: .:ne:. said:

    swell guy, should be searching div5 imo.

    ____ CHOO CHOO
    _||__| | _____ _____ _____
    ( | | | | | | |
    /-( )—( ) ~ ( )–( ) ~ ( )–( ) ~ ( )–( )

  4. JustMoose: .:ne:. said:


  5. Mik said:

    Fucking beast and I love him <3

  6. redned: CiC said:

    I know Solar is looking for people for Div6, Kap (our fun team) is also around looking for silliness.
    Almost 12 years in the gaming clan business so come over and join the forums and get involved. We also play other games and have multiple servers.

    Emmz is Solar
    Kop is Core
    Siege is KaP

    cheers, ned