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Soldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom spherefs

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm looking for a mature team to learn from and have fun with. I've played 3 seasons of etf2l, two of div 6 and one div 5. Recently I have been focusing on improving my game, and I believe I can hold my own against high div5 / low div 4 opponents. I main pocket, but I can give roamer a try too. I am 25, and I'm available to play most weekday evening. Please add me if you are looking for a soldier to trial.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:10794114 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Perkele.tf [Highlander] spherefs
Left Strykers [6v6] Boob Lee
Joined Perkele.tf [Highlander] Derpy Hooves
Left Good Enough [Highlander] birdy
Joined Good Enough [Highlander] Larath
Joined Strykers [6v6] Twisted
Left Good Enough [Highlander] spherefs
Left Strykers [6v6] spherefs
Joined Good Enough [Highlander] Larath
Joined Strykers [6v6] Larath
Left Momentum eSports [Highlander] Dandere
Joined Momentum eSports [Highlander] Sonny Black
Left Momentum eSports [Highlander] Munky
Left Emotional Boys 2001 [6v6 Fun Team] spherefs
Left Indeed [6v6] spherefs
Joined Indeed [6v6] konr
Left Stinson`s Funky Town Monkey Pimps [6v6] spherefs
Joined Stinson`s Funky Town Monkey Pimps [6v6] Mr. Guy
Joined Emotional Boys 2001 [6v6 Fun Team] fiend
Left Fakin Ritar eSports [6v6] spherefs
Joined Fakin Ritar eSports [6v6] Twiggy
Left is house esports [6v6] gouldie
Joined is house esports [6v6] yak
Left is house esports [6v6] spherefs
Joined Momentum eSports [Highlander] Munky
Joined is house esports [6v6] yak
Left TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] Ryushi
Joined TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] spherefs
Left TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] spherefs
Joined TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] spherefs
Left TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] spherefs
Joined TEZC | Multiple Orgasms [6v6] spherefs
Left The New Veni Vidi Vici (-V³-) [6v6] spherefs
Joined The New Veni Vidi Vici (-V³-) [6v6] spherefs

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 2 425
View Div 3 10 646
View Div 3/Div 4 21 874
View Div 4 5 352
View Div 4 26 813


  1. Ryushi said:

    Holy fuck this guy is good.
    fuck that div 5? hes easily div 4.
    All the medics want him and all the scouts wanna be him.
    Shared maincalling with me and we did a pretty awesome job. Needs good scouts to be the most amazing.
    if your not picking him up your missing out…

  2. NeKarK: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. said:

    easily prem

  3. SmAsH: [DA] - [DA] said:

    Added you pal, interested in seeing what youve got as our pcoket for next season.

  4. Metal Gear said:

    Amazing DM, amazing game sense and an amazing ability to adapt to the situation as well as whipping the team into line.

    Honestly, with the right team, he could easily fly through the Divs, really nice guy, bar some days when he’s tired and has his man period, has like 50k kills on his Strange Original, that’s how you know he could go prem easily.

    Seriously, pick him up whilst you still have the chance.

  5. Marosh: Lad - Otter said:

    Great pocket,mature,focuses on the game,has godly DM and does not rage at all.Would pick him up if I had a team starting for sure.
    He can easily play div 4,maybe low div 3 imo,his gamesense/dm is great and he’s also good at maincalling.

    Pick him up,you’re probably not going to find anyone better at this level.

  6. Coleman: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Really nice guy, good DM. Only got to play with him a few times but seems like he’d do well in Div 4.x

  7. jackson550 said:

    He’s good :D

  8. Dandere said:

    i want to have sphere as my own soldier but his div is too high :(
    but yeah when he’s my pocket, i’m in love with him
    pick him up

  9. Day: #jamal esports said:

    Mature, funny, and fucking good at tf2 holy shit. Has great synergy with any med. Pick him up or lose to the team that got him first ;)

  10. B4n4n4m4n: Ol'dog said:

    Sphere is one of a kind: he is funny, he has fantastic DM and he is an overall nice guy. I’ve practised with this guy many times and I very rarely win! He will always be willing to talk and play with you and will always be kind except, well, he is kind of an expert in the art of one line banter! He always keeps your med safe and if your med dies it’s normally not his fault. I would pick this guy up immediately and he will improve rapidly with your team, taking you higher and higher. Basically, PICK HIM UP NOW!

  11. ninya: Team said:

    Nice guy in mumble, good at calls & strong DM.

    Good at dealing lots of damage, needs scouts playing off his damage to rape defenses and pushes.

    Good attitude and wants to get better.

    Very high div5, div4 with a good team. Good pickup

  12. spherefs said:


  13. DexYa: 7up said:

    Hi can you add: http://steamcommunity.com/id/guildy/ and/or http://steamcommunity.com/id/tDex
    talking over steam will be much easier than talking over the forums ;)

  14. omnibombulator: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    I love Sphere so much

  15. Winterz: (è_é) said:


  16. raiku: STR said:

    From what I have seen should do fine in D4 DM vise.
    Sadly can’t say a lot about game sense.


  17. raiku: STR said:

    aka haven’t played with him :3

  18. Flood said:

    Pretty nice pocket. d4 should be fine for him