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Soldier  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

Germany Sonny Black

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a division 1 team for Season 16 (and ESEA?) Don't really feel like settling for anything else. After seeding the divisions for the past 5 seasons I have a pretty good idea who can go div1 and who can't. :)
Played division 1 in vier // red as pocket soldier and most recently roaming soldier for CommanderX and the Sexkittens at i49. Despite playing pocket soldier for most of the time, except for playing roaming soldier every now and then in mixes, I really enjoyed playing roaming soldier at i49 and I guess I didn't do too bad at all. There's surely some potential to improve still, but I think I'd prefer playing roaming soldier over pocket soldier.
That doesn't mean I will turn down any pocket soldier trials tho. :)

Hit me up on steam or irc.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:22095675 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined SUAVE [6v6] Sonny Black
Left 32erz [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined 32erz [6v6] Sonny Black
Left FG eSports [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined FG eSports [6v6] Sonny Black
Left SUAVE [6v6] Sonny Black
Left Team Nein! [Highlander] Sonny Black
Left Girls just wanna have fun [6v6 Fun Team] Sonny Black
Joined SUAVE [6v6] IPZIE
Left vier // red [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined vier // red [6v6] cube
Left Rip the #dream [6v6] Sonny Black
Left Germany [National 6v6 Team] basH.
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] basH.
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] smziii
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] basH.
Joined Germany [National 6v6 Team] basH.
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] basH.
Joined Rip the #dream [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined Girls just wanna have fun [6v6 Fun Team] schocky
Left elemental violence [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined elemental violence [6v6] Shrike410
Joined Team Nein! [Highlander] Sonny Black
Left The Owl Exterminators [Highlander] Sonny Black
Left Germany [National Highlander Team] schocky
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined Win or Ban [1v1] Sonny Black
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] Sonny Black
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] Sonny Black
Left vier // red [6v6 Fun Team] Sonny Black
Left vier // red [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined Germany [National Highlander Team] Sonny Black
Joined vier // red [6v6 Fun Team] Sonny Black
Joined vier // red [6v6] Ripple
Left Time 4 Fisting [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined Time 4 Fisting [6v6] CanFo
Left dotpiXels [6v6] Sonny Black
Left zZ - TOP [2v2] Sonny Black
Joined The Owl Exterminators [Highlander] Selek
Left Taurus E-Sports [Highlander] Sonny Black
Joined dotpiXels [6v6] Sonny Black
Left n2o-gaming.TF2 [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined zZ - TOP [2v2] IPZIE
Joined Taurus E-Sports [Highlander] Sonny Black
Left Fullstack of Doom [Highlander] Sonny Black
Joined n2o-gaming.TF2 [6v6] mosepose
Left TF2 is dead [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined Fullstack of Doom [Highlander] Vladi
Left >.,.< Like A Koala! [2v2] Sonny Black
Joined TF2 is dead [6v6] Sonny Black
Left SpecialAttack Highlander [Highlander] Sonny Black
Left iPwn [1v1] Sonny Black
Left TFPortal.de [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined >.,.< Like A Koala! [2v2] Rising
Joined TFPortal.de [6v6] Sonny Black
Left Specialattack | nextGen [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined iPwn [1v1] Sonny Black
Left cookye and the uglies [6v6 Fun Team] Sonny Black
Joined Specialattack | nextGen [6v6] Sonny Black
Joined cookye and the uglies [6v6 Fun Team] Rele
Joined SpecialAttack Highlander [Highlander] Rele

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 2 13 725
View Div 2/Div 3 13 1370
View Div 2/Div 3 8 557


  1. Rake: Lutunen - [hePPa] said:

    Does not cap points.

  2. Rake: Lutunen - [hePPa] said:


  3. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    sonny doesnt need to cap points.
    really strong player and a cool guy. even if he is kidding me the whole time.
    best of luck

  4. cube said:

    dota legende

  5. smziii: (Legendary Ratehacks) - SVIFT said:

    geile sau

  6. Gubbins said:

    great soldier, really beasted at lan, awesome guy, pick him up!

  7. IPZIE: SUAVE said:


  8. Rising: MAFIA said:

    really nice guy , can handle div1


  9. iMMo: vier said:

    grumpy cat :D

  10. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:


  11. Bubschen!!!: AMG - CGAY&BB said:

    good soldier and a nice person. Easy Div 1

  12. LuLu said:

    Sonny to Epsilon! :D

  13. lacrimosa said:

    wenn sonny ein katze wäre…. https://i.imgur.com/T9xLoqc.gif?1

  14. huhystah said:

    good soldier

  15. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:


  16. .kr4tos: (ETF2L Donator) - FLANK - DGB said:

    elem v fold

  17. cube said:


  18. cruZer: \V/ Gold - und Rasiert said:


  19. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:



  20. Caeli: #T4F said:
