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Spy  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

European slaw

Posted: | Last Online:

i want some fun…

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:110388084 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left G-SHOCK [6v6] smky
Joined G-SHOCK [6v6] smky
Left G-SHOCK [6v6] smky
Left Mega Force [Highlander] slaw
Joined Mega Force [Highlander] slaw
Left Lords of Leprechaun [Highlander] slaw
Joined G-SHOCK [6v6] slaw
Left Team Solidus [6v6] slaw
Joined Ganryū [1v1] slaw
Joined Lords of Leprechaun [Highlander] slaw
Left Zanahoria eSports [1v1] slaw
Left Its Fun! [Highlander] slaw
Joined Zanahoria eSports [1v1] slaw
Joined Team Solidus [6v6] slaw
Joined Its Fun! [Highlander] Predemo
Left kebab warriors [Highlander] slaw
Left No Name Team [6v6] Darklobo
Joined kebab warriors [Highlander] slaw
Joined No Name Team [6v6] sage

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View Div 4/Div 5 10 1197


  1. Fluff said:

    It begins…

  2. forcesince: Muss Los said:


  3. Tomu: BoyBrigade - MEGA$$ said:

    I’ve seen some chat logs in the past but the ones I’ve seen of slaw reach a new height of autism. Bravo.

  4. ElazulTF2 said:


  5. potte said:


  6. Husky: MEGA$$ said:

    here we go again

  7. RTC said:

    To be fair, sl4w has been a lot better as of late and actually apologised to me for previous shit.

  8. slaw said:

    Guys am i taking spy div 3? No i am taking low div because i want to do some focus on spy atm, so if you are here to tell some shits leave.

  9. Ggamefreak22 said:

    14:55 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: we are rolling
    14:55 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: plat teams
    14:55 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: division 1
    14:55 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: all won
    14:55 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: we are epic team
    15:04 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: my scout is premier 6s,my solder div 1 6s, my demo you know whos, my heavy plat / gold, my engie div 1, my sniper gold maybe and spy div 1
    15:05 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: silver > plat
    15:05 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: my team will win
    15:05 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: i don’t like other people say
    15:05 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: VIER or something will win

    I think i found the weak spot in his team :^)

  10. Spiff said:

    You know I thought all those memes about autistic fat kids sitting behind their computers and tipping fedoras were a joke. Until I met sl4w.

    I thought people who were so absolutely full of themselves and so convinced they were the greatest shit to ever hit the earth were just made up in stories. Until I met sl4w.

    I thought the competitive TF2 scene was basically devoid of people so utterly fucking retarded, shitty and just all round lacking mental capacity. Until I met sl4w.

    Then that faithful day came where I played a lobby. And there was the fabled creature, in his natural habitat. When I met him I truly understood the full extents of severe and uncontrollable autism, and since that day I live in fear of each encounter with this…THING…that has called itself sl4w. Even god himself fears this monstrosity, which he himself did not make, but rather the devil in a means to troll us all.

    In closing, 10/10 would bang.

  11. RTC said:

    Sl4w, you lost to a Steel Team. Don’t fucking lie about how good your team actually is.

  12. RTC said:

    Also, you said I was just as good as your Engineer, so thanks for the compliment :]

  13. Brick Top: TBNC - sB! said:

    All you need to know. http://etf2l.org/recruitment/202423/

  14. CHICHO: F4oKICK said:



  15. Brick Top: TBNC - sB! said:


    14:55 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: we are rolling
    14:55 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: plat teams
    14:55 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: division 1
    14:55 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: all won
    14:55 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: we are epic team
    15:04 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: my scout is premier 6s,my solder div 1 6s, my demo you know whos, my heavy plat / gold, my engie div 1, my sniper gold maybe and spy div 1

    >my scout is premier 6s: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/63351/
    >my solder div 1 6s: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/100360/
    >my demo you know whos: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/104785/ (murda wannabe?)
    >my engie div 1: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/69058/
    >and spy div 1: http://etf2l.org/forum/user/68679/

    15:05 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: silver > plat
    15:05 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: my team will win
    15:05 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: i don’t like other people say
    15:05 – sl4w | whitelist.tf: VIER or something will win

    Official logs from yesterday: http://logs.tf/643561?highlight=76561198070653812

    How can a person be so full of shit. Such a shame that he’s from Spain.

  16. slaw said:

    RTC, it was already 2/1 month.

  17. Gek said:


  18. Amarinder Ruprai: lizard said:

    Posted a div and class he can playLeave him be keyboard warriors

  19. Chris: CMEN2 said:

    could probably play spy at this level, but I don’t know a team who would want to pick him up.

  20. Karx: EPP - ㄕサ said:

    nice shittalk guys 10/10

  21. san alex said:

    Looks like a cool guy, he created a cup for new players in spain the idea is mix new players with old school ones to keep the teams fair. The idea is great. So far I helped him with some stuff he needed and he seemed like a nice guy.

  22. Tseini: Damn! - 2MNYCHDS said:

    I dont know about slaw,but did he really call talisman a div1 6s soldier? :D

  23. drew: -Xe- said:

    i feel realy bad for slow, everyone just stop it.

  24. drew: -Xe- said:

    HaHa not realy
    as i said cancer & ebola all in one !

  25. slaw said:


  26. potte said:

    sl4w 5-6 is low for u go prem-div1

  27. firej said:

    I think you can actually give him a chance as open spy.
    I mean he didnt shittalk me since his last recpost, possibly he got a somewhat normal character now and is actually at this level as spy?
    Idk, id give him a chance ( if id be the leader of an open team that needs a spy … ).
    Just my opinion <:

  28. HartzFartz: (ETF2L Donator) - 0fo - 0FO said:

    below average lobby skilllevel