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Scout  Mid Skill, 6v6


Posted: | Last Online:

Have curently around 350 pugs played, I want to go mid and I'm not taking anything below it, I'm tired of playing open and I actualy wanna get good at scout for once, so I'll not do another season of Offclassing. I prefer being a passive scout than aggro, but I can try both out.
I've got some mid experience with mercs and mixes, (+the pickups which is usualy vs mid/high/prem)
Add me for more info, also taking sub spots since season already started.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:107673637 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Sampler Fi Part II [6v6] .
Joined Sampler Fi Part II [6v6] .
Left Calavera Canvas [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined Calavera Canvas [6v6] Duff
Left help ive fallen and cant get out of open [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Left Portugal [National 6v6 Team] tXX
Left Complete Guesswork [Highlander] Deki
Joined Complete Guesswork [Highlander] Deki
Joined Portugal [National 6v6 Team] tXX
Joined Autism the Tale [1v1] BRASILGORILA99
Joined ROCKSTRAT 2 [6v6 Fun Team] Spanns
Left Interrobang [Highlander] tmg_
Joined Interrobang [Highlander] tmg_
Joined Portugal [National Highlander Team] 31
Joined help ive fallen and cant get out of open [6v6] Hoplitejoe
Left Bullet!Club [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Left AutismSkátes [1v1] BRASILGORILA99
Left Jail Break Tryhards [2v2] BRASILGORILA99
Joined Bullet!Club [6v6] Mattcraftpt
Left help ive fallen and cant get out of open [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Left Titans sponsored by eyeoctane.org [Highlander] BRASILGORILA99
Joined help ive fallen and cant get out of open [6v6] Hoplitejoe
Left Bullet!Club [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined Bullet!Club [6v6] Vaskie
Left LiThium [6v6] Biohazard
Joined Titans sponsored by eyeoctane.org [Highlander] tXX
Joined LiThium [6v6] Biohazard
Left Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS [6v6 Fun Team] .
Joined Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] Demos
Left Last Hopes [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined Last Hopes [6v6] euthanasia
Left United Ducks of Portugal [6v6] .
Joined AutismSkátes [1v1] BRASILGORILA99
Joined United Ducks of Portugal [6v6] Rudd
Joined Jail Break Tryhards [2v2] BRASILGORILA99
Left 2Average4U [2v2] BRASILGORILA99
Left Rekdtube [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined Rekdtube [6v6] Spanns
Left Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] Demos
Left Ice Bucket Cooling [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined Ice Bucket Cooling [6v6] Squig
Left Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined Gardienii Fortei Mistice [6v6] Demos
Left Rekdtube [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined Rekdtube [6v6] POltron
Left fnatic always throw [6v6] laceyk1ng
Joined fnatic always throw [6v6] laceyk1ng
Left Cloud 7 eSports [6v6] groove
Joined Cloud 7 eSports [6v6] groove
Left StyX [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined 2Average4U [2v2] groove
Joined StyX [6v6] .
Left KilerDeekS [6v6] BRASILGORILA99
Joined KilerDeekS [6v6] BRASILGORILA99

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Open 8 415
View Open 8 494
View Open 11 602
View Open/Mid 7 592
View Mid 3 592
View Mid 11 661
View Mid 15 720
View Open/Mid 11 674
View Open/Mid 6 611
View Div 5/Div 6 3 424
View Div 5 0 564
View Div 5 1 362
View Div 5 2 415
View Div 5 2 428
View Div 4/Div 5 1 370
View Div 4 8 469
View Div 4 3 547


  1. mads said:

    He finally did it, i am proud of you :>
    Great scout, great aim, great guy – give my sweet skates a nice and comfy home pls

  2. Spanns: :3 - DBLE said:

    Finally he realises he’s better off as a main scout.

    Good DM but autistic 24/7


  3. BRASILGORILA99 said:

    its not my fault, its squig’s fault :<

  4. Rudd said:

    Step 1 – Find a medic who knows what he is doing and doesn’t take shit from his pocket,

    Step 2 – put Skate on pocket.

    Step 3 – Thank me later

  5. AlmightyTuna: GOLD said:

    First I need to say that’s most passionate recruitment post I read. :)
    Okay so Skate is experienced player. His dm is good and his gamesense is great also. He could play scout in mid tier without a doubt. But, he tends to have these autistic moments, mmbl comms are aids also.
    Good luck Skate. ;)

  6. . said:

    I’ve already said this before and I’ll say it again, I’ve had the displeasure to know skate/cash/skates/bear/Pirata do Caralho/stoppedgivingafuck for a year+2weeks (from then he mained scout for a LONG LONG time dont give me shit how he plays soldier or w/e now) and I’ve played very often with him so I THINK I know what I’m saying. you might notice that I kicked him from my team but that’s my problem with him, not his skill.

    he plays on the flank way better than on the combo, he has a tremendous roaming tendency that is GOOD for ROAMER and SCOUT, not DEMOMAN or POCKET. he cleans up well, does follow ups well, caps well (lol), but he roams too much, likes to do his own thing too much and do crazy shit that may or may not work. which is not BAD for flank units as long as it isn’t completely stupid (and he knows how to differentiate it), but he does the same shit on the combo and that is absolutely terrible.

    tldr put this dude on the flank and he’ll carry your team. put this guy on the combo and you will be fucking mad at him unless he literally tries so hard he loses motivation.

    I won’t even *begin* to elaborate on his autism before I get a stroke.

  7. BRASILGORILA99 said:

    thats why its a scout post (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง (autism fact: i got a mid demo trial even with this being an scout post)

    ╚═( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)═╝
    ……….* if u no centipede u no good at game

  8. Nechi: TEZC said:

    great banter got him in mge hes ready for d4/mid

  9. . said:

    shit was so cash

  10. BRASILGORILA99 said:


  11. Bona: PMW said:

    he’s a great guy and loves to get completely and utterly air raped in bball

  12. BRASILGORILA99 said:


  13. DereK: tbag said:

    good boy nice scout can carry