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Soldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

France Simpson

Posted: | Last Online:


I'm looking for a div3 team, I have experience in div4 but surely I can handle div3. I cannot attend lan events except for french lans

I'm french but I already played quite a few pickups on the euro scene as well as mixes, so my com is good and clear, and I can take part in conversations as long as the topic doesn't require specific language.

I can play 5 day/week, 20 – 22.30 cet.

As a soldier I've been playing pocket for most of my "tf2 career ^^" but I don't mind playing roamer either.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:36079162 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined The medic sucks. [6v6] Marik
Left LEGO [6v6] Dr. Phil
Left BIFLE [Highlander] Simpson
Left ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] nyx
Joined LEGO [6v6] Simpson
Joined hamdoulah [1v1] Simpson
Left Boom Gayshot ! [6v6] Simpson
Joined Wizards From Misty Mountains [2v2] Simpson
Joined ALBERT [6v6 Fun Team] Simpson
Joined Boom Gayshot ! [6v6] Simpson
Left polak and muchachos [6v6] deli
Joined polak and muchachos [6v6] Simpson
Left Crack Clan // Green [6v6] Simpson
Joined Crack Clan // Green [6v6] Simpson
Left clickNplay [6v6] Simpson
Joined BIFLE [Highlander] Paria
Joined clickNplay [6v6] Simpson
Left MASTERMINDS [6v6] Mits
Joined MASTERMINDS [6v6] Chunkeymunkey
Left JaJa-eSport TF2 [6v6] Simpson
Joined JaJa-eSport TF2 [6v6] Lurius
Left PheniX-Gaming [6v6] Katsu
Joined PheniX-Gaming [6v6] Simpson

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  1. Izzy57 said:

    GoodLuck , Good soldier

  2. Aephage said:


  3. tony31: freebaud - [B.I.F.L.E] said:

    Good soldier , Gl bro

  4. fl1p said:

    friendly and really potential soldier
    gl bro

  5. Hatch: BGs\' said:

    This boy is a good boy.

  6. Leyo: Z&Co said:

    Nice soldier !
    He’s a good guy !

    Gl :)