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Hey, I'm Shoosh OR .sh OR Brad.
Wanting to play roamer next season in high
I've played TF2 for nearly 4 years now and have played and followed comp for 3 years+. I've been in and out of teams for a while but have stuck with roamer for 5 seasons.
Team history:
Xenon [Highlander] – UGC silver (if it means anything)
Bforce v2 [6on6] – Main team. Gone from D6 to D5. Was going into D4 but.
TheOriginal [6on6] – D5 at the time [6on6] – D5 [6on6] – Mid (top6)
I have played roamer for every team I've been in and have roughly 1300+ hours on soldier alone (tis' a sad life)
Looking to skip out on playing mid this season and go high since fuck mid.
I'd say I have relatively good gamesense and have improved some over the season:>
Can play anyday monday to sunday at basically anytime.
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:89327989Team History
Previous Recruitment Posts
View | Skill | Classes | Views | Added | |
View | High | 2 | 241 | ||
View | High | 5 | 388 | ||
View | High | 21 | 808 | ||
View | Mid/High | 8 | 539 | ||
View | Mid/High | 15 | 684 | ||
View | Div 4/Div 5 | 6 | 489 | ||
View | Div 5/Div 6 | 4 | 360 | ||
View | Div 4/Div 5 | 0 | 337 | ||
View | Div 4 | 2 | 379 |
7:01 AM – .sh: help a homie out
7:01 AM – .sh:
UGC | i was probably still drunk tbf when i woke up
.sh | thats not good now is it
.sh | we wouldve lost the match
.sh | anyway
.sh | because of you
.sh | :D
UGC | :(
UGC | its just a handicap so im actually d5
UGC | gotta bring myself down from div prem
Is pretty good at the soldier class
Lyrete, anything higher thsn div 6 HL lol, good one.
Top lad, only played with him a few times but he seemed to know his stuff, ez high div4/3 imo
cool guy, is good at shooting things in the air
also bought my solly unusual +rep nice trader
aight, where do I begin?
I’ve known this caucasian boy from almost the start of my tf2 career, 2 years more or less. Hes a very keen gamer and is very eagre to win. plays pugs and mixes 24/7. Hes a true Ipz fanboi and a really great guy.
recruit this kid, I mean how can you say no to this face;
the one bad thing I can say about this fella’ is that he can’t hit doubles. ever.
Other than that, get him in div 3!
from what i saw his a pretty capable soli
also a nice guy :)
Wonderful personality
hardly understand what he’s saying half the time
Give him a chance and he will take it!
Is good :)
Bump, Still looking;c Guess id take backup spot on d3 if it comes to it.
pretty decent, can handle div3 one hand tied to his back!