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DemomanSoldier  Mid- Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Shem

Posted: | Last Online:


Now that I\'ve gotten myself a job, I\'d like a team, preferably to play in a backup sort of capacity, due to the whole working thing.

I\'m 23, got div 4 experience as soldier and demo, I don\'t rage (not audibly anyway) I can call fairly well and engineer like a god whenever the opportunity presents itself.

With wanting to be a part-timer I know I can\'t be picky about skill level, so I\'m pretty much just after a team who aren\'t arseholes.

Add me on steam if you\'re interested.

thankyou for your time :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:24209895 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined What's in the boX? [6v6] Cobby
Left nervousENERGY RAINBOW [6v6] Shem
Joined nervousENERGY RAINBOW [6v6] lolage
Left DEADstock [6v6] ilike2spin
Joined Fragsoc [Highlander] -jt-
Left MANLY [6v6 Fun Team] Shem
Left BLITZ [Highlander] Shem
Left amazing2v2 [2v2] Shem
Joined DEADstock [6v6] Shem
Left BLITZ [6v6] Shem
Joined MANLY [6v6 Fun Team] Shem
Joined amazing2v2 [2v2] Bury
Joined BLITZ [Highlander] Shem
Joined BLITZ [6v6] Shem

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  1. Shampoo: FRENCHGOAT - STACK said:

    omg this guy is so awesome, seriously . he is..

  2. Candy: MEAT said:

    Shemmiiiii!! <3
    He is a awesome guy! He has a really sexy voice and he is a killing machine, should do well in a div 4 team! =D
    Pick him up, now! =C

  3. Black_Bob: [DA] said:

    Good chap with a cracking aim well worth a backup spot :)

  4. Hosain H: Royal` said:

    After playing with Shem for a long time all I can say is he was our ace in Nobility. You might think that you’re doing well in a game, but he’d always be outscoring/fragging you. He has great aim as a solly and can roam really well, ninja’s the other teams medic quite often and has some really sneaky hiding spots. He does a great multiclass also, definitely a solid demoman who knows where to spam his damage. As he says he is also a great offensive engi, his level 1 sentries/shotgun combo get an unbelievable amount of kills.
    Definitely an asset to any team especially as a backup as he can do every class really well *besides medic*. Grab him while you can.

  5. Shem: boX? - [F(r)ag] said:

    those fucking apostrophe slashes are griefing me :<

  6. ilike2spin: RLM said:

    Everything Hosain said except he can do medic too. He just probably doesn’t want to.

  7. adlondo said:

    shem awesome soldier and demo, dwarf fortress extraordinaire, and all around fun guy, im sure he can be talked into a full time spot with the necessary one piece merchandise bribes

    take him now