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Scout  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

England Shellfish Clive

Posted: | Last Online:

Now then , Now then,

I'm looking for a solid team to play in for season 18 and hopefully onwards.
I can't play Mondays and Tuesday because I have work, hopefully this will be changing pretty quick after i51 though. I'm becoming more keen towards playing TF2 and wanting to play pretty much whenever I can.


You can add me on there if you are interested. <3

Clive. <3

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:42078969 Add Friend

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Left FG eSports [6v6] Shellfish Clive
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Left WHEREISKAIDO [Highlander] Shellfish Clive
Joined WHEREISKAIDO [Highlander] Fribs
Joined FG eSports [6v6] Fribs
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Left What's in the boX? [6v6] Shellfish Clive
Joined What's in the boX? [6v6] Shellfish Clive
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  1. byte said:

    good guy, will jest u alot is clearly div3 and above, has past div 2 experience as well, offer him green paint :3

    gl chive!



  2. CVM: 8D said:

    Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebKdTizntOc

    All round jester and decent scout. Should be able to handle himself at this level with a good team, and you’ll have a fun time too!

    Likes very much to be buffed to mid. Also great at calling when scouts are behind your medic. ;)

    Best of luck, lad! <3

  3. turkuaz said:

    clive <3

    beast guy i loved the times i played together with him . really good scout and really funny man . deserves d2 for sure

    best of luck man . ill keep stalking you

  4. fl1p said:

    clive is a sick gamer and a firendly guy, you can also talk about anything with clive, including prepuce! gl bro

  5. Shellfish Clive: 8D said:

    <3 you guys <3

  6. raiku: STR said:

    Can go d2 pretty sure about that but this dude is funny as all hell.

  7. Henghast: open - bobs said:

    CLIVE. Mate it’s CLIVE innit he’s basically you know, CLIVE.

  8. FLOWER: said:

    I really enjoyed playing against and with this guy! Trial him a bit

  9. Wux: -9m- - -9m- said:

    Good guy, good scout partner. Knows what to do and does it well.

    Terrible taste in hats.

  10. Sarah said:

    all he talks about is poop

  11. Telepathic Ryuu said:

    Clive… Do you even? D2 fo sur

  12. DFI said:

    Decent aim and good game sense, gl. (more pickups)

  13. konr said:

    clive is r8 good

  14. scatmo: 27/2 said:

    The best of the best

  15. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    Quality guy in every way.

  16. Gambles: -9m- - -9m- said:

    is quite gud

  17. BoxHitman: 8D said:

    You guis are the bestest <3

  18. melody: Lutunen said:


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