ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European Sharp Shooters

Posted by iluminat: | Last Online:

What is up?
Anywayz not gonna waste time with long introduction so keepin it short, we`re 2 guyz from lithuania that just started a new team, and finished s12 at div5 i myself decided to change class to scout, cus don`t have the same motyvation for demo anymore.
So gettin back to the point we`re lookin for
2x soldier,demo and a medic
What we can offer:
-Friendly atmosphere, but a bit srs about the game ( don`t get me wrong here, we want to go further and stuff, but we`re not those kind of people that u have to be 100% dedicated to the game, we understand and respect your personal life issues and so on, and we expect the same from you)
-Practise atleast 4days a week ( its still summer and many of them peeps are still takin theyr time outside and partyin and stuff so ye… )
-Other games i.e. DayZ,Minecraft,COD…

What we expect from you is:
-English speakin
-age ( well age doesn`t really matter till ur not annoying the whole team… )
-willing to improve
-Friendly ( when i say friendly it means not a troll ! )
-Non rager ( again a guy that knows how it works, if not everything is going according to plan )
-Able to take and give criticism
-Able to play from 19CET

So ye, if u want to try to trial contact me (iluminat) GL hf and cya out there! :]

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  1. Bondye: PxE- said:

    Hey KKR can you register us pls :)

  2. kennymon said:


  3. Bondye: PxE- said:

    İ mean he is the only one in team so he shoud register us.

  4. Cerber: <uND> said:

    @Bodye wrong post son, http://etf2l.org/recruitment/128548/