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Medic  Mid Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates Sgt.Sergeant

Posted: | Last Online:

After playing some euro pugs and noticing that i had unusually low ping i started to join them often. I much enjoyed the different playstyles of euro teams and the more frequent off classing and have decided to find a team. I have many medic hours and have played CEVO. I am looking for a mid/mid+ team. I can provide references if need be.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:44138644 Add Friend

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  1. Knolly: vs said:

    mid/mid+ is div. 2 in eu so that would mean mid-top div. 1 open.

  2. biohazard: IDK said:

    Great medic to play with – good calls, high survivability definitely worth a trial – deserves a good stable and active team. Good ping for an American. Maybe not mid/mid + but defo low+/mid-.

    give him a try :)

  3. Sgt.Sergeant said:

    sry i am not so familiar with how euro ranks players. Note to biohazard when i was playing with you i was half dead from being up all night and it being 6:30AM. XD