ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


HeavyMedic  Open/Mid Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Seal Team 9?

Posted by Milad: | Last Online:

Looking for a Sub for just Heavy and now a Med Main please. Thanks. 400+ total hours in game, UK based and good English and no squeaky mics. Thanks. Leave a comment down below or add me on Steam (theATCguy). Thanks

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  1. Nawan said:

    Hello !
    I am Nawan, a dutch/french demoman main that would be interested by a spot in your team.
    I have 950-1000h on tf2 and 130 as demoman. I have no competitive experience and would really enjoy being in a team to learn it, i like having fun ,but can also be serious when it’s needed and can practice quite a bit. I can play everyday but thursday and friday from 21h to 23h. I prioritize teamwork so i’ll be as helpful as posible and listen to everything you tell me. I’m a pretty talkative guy, i hope you don’t mind :/ I have a mic and Mumble/Ts/Skype.
    Cheers ! Nawan

  2. Nawan said:

    Hello !
    I am Nawan, a dutch/french demoman main that would be interested by a spot in your team.
    I have 950-1000h on tf2 and 130 as demoman. I have no competitive experience and would really enjoy being in a team to learn it, i like having fun ,but can also be serious when it’s needed and can practice quite a bit. I can play everyday but thursday and friday from 21h to 23h. I prioritize teamwork so i’ll be as helpful as posible and listen to everything you tell me. I’m a pretty talkative guy, i hope you don’t mind :/ I have a mic and Mumble/Ts/Skype.
    Cheers ! Nawan

  3. Hourage said:

    Hello, im David, maining the Medic.I have about 800 hours of tf2. My mother is American so I can speak fluent English.I would really like to come into the competitve scene, and would like to habe a trial with you. Greetings,David